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   Dermatology Library

Dr. Carol Foil's Top Picks

Frequently Asked Questions:
All medical FAQs can be found in the MedFAQ library.
  » Dermatopathologist Directory
  » Common Dermatological Diagnostic Tests
  » Antibiotic-Resistant Pseudomonas Otitis - what to do

  » Medical Management Of Otitis Media
  » Feline Pruritus: Evaluating, Managing
  » Feline Dermatophytosis Symposium
  » Alternatives To Beef Rawhides

Library Collection:
  » Dermatology Notebook - Updated 1/07
  » WVC 2004 Dermatology Topics
  » Dermatology Seminar 2004 Presentation
  » Dermatology Handouts For Veterinarians
  » Client Education Handouts
  » Dermatophytosis-Recent Advances Slideshow
  » Myringotomy in a Cat Video

VIN Derm Consultant Proceedings:
  » Dr. Steven White - ABVP2004 Conference
  » Adverse Drug Reactions Associated With the Integument - ACVIM2004 Conference
  » Dr. Noxon on Otology - WVC2004 Notes
  » Dr. Foil - WVC2003 Conference Notes
  » Dr. Hnilica - WVC2003 Conference Notes

VIN CE Notes:
  » Treatment Tips for Chronic Otitis - WVC 2003 Conference
  » Food Trial, Tribulations and Pitfalls - Handout

Journal Articles:
  » Symposium On Feline Dermatophytosis
  » Treatment of Canine Mange With Ivermectin

  » Coming Clean on Shampoo Therapy
  » Staph: Residence, Resilience, Resistance
  » Eight Emerging Dermatoses In Cats

Equine Clinic Forms:
  » Equine History Form
  » Equine Dermatology Consult Form

  » Dermatohistopathologists

Favorite Websites:
  » UTs Alopecia X page
  » MDR1 Gene Mutation Testing (Ivermectin Sensitivity)
  » LSU's Veterinary Teaching Hospital & Clinics Dermatology Service
  » Canine Histiocytosis
  » Fly Control For Horses (pdf file)

Dr. Foil's picks from the VIN Database
  » Alternatives to Beef Rawhides
  » Cornish and Devon Rex Alopecia
  » Cutaneous Lymphosarcoma Therapy
  » Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE)
  » Ear Cytology
  » Eosinophilic Granuloma
  » Enilconazole(imaverol)
  » Feline Acne
  » Feline Demodex
  » Feline Head and Neck Pruritus
  » Greyhound Corns
  » In-Clinic Diagnostic Testing
  » In Vitro Allergy Tests
  » Lick Granulomas
  » more on Lick Granulomas
  » Lupoid onychodystrophy
  » Malassezia Dermatitis
  » Melatonin for Alopecia
  » Mycobacterial Skin Disease
  » New Antihistamines for Dogs?
  » Otitis Media
  » Papillomas
  » Pine Pitch
  » Pomeranians (and others) with Alopecia X
  » Post-Clipping Alopecia
  » Pseudomonas Otitis
  » Rabbit Alopecia
  » Recipes For Food Allergy Testing
  » Sebaceous Adenitis
  » Skin Lesions
  » Tacrolimus
  » Temaril-P
  » Trichograms
  » Vitiligo

Veterinary Journals
Vet Dermatol

Human Medical Journals
Arch Dermatol
J Allergy Clin Immunol


What's New In Dermatology: Updates From The 2007 North American Veterinary Dermatology Forum
What Allergy Tests Mean In The Real World
Five Steps To Stopping Feline Itch
A Faster, Easier, and More Profitable Way to Intuitively Diagnose and Treat Allergies
The Itch Game
Dermatology Rounds: Cyclosporine [Atopica] Therapy
Ten Dermatology Secrets I Wish I'd Known

Click here for more rounds...

Steroid Equivalence Converter
Adult-Onset Growth Hormone-Responsive Dermatosis
Advantage (Imidacloprid) Flea Adulticide for Cats and Dogs
Canine Skin Chart
Cholesteatoma in a Cat
Feline Alopecia: A Problem Oriented Approach to Diagnosis
Feline Skin Chart
Getting the Most Out of Trichograms
Management of the Allergic Dog
Oncology Case: Dermal Masses on Dog's Leg

Click here for more General Library Files...


More Cool Stuff

  » Read up on Allergic Skin Disorders in Lectures 8 and 9 of Dr. Wendy Yaphe's Small Animal Course Material


Dermatology Library


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