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   Rabbits Library

Efficacy of Topical Administration of Eprinomectin for Treatment of Ear Mite Infestation in Six Rabbits
Chemotherapy Dose Calculation and Administration in Exotic Animal Species
Therapeutic Options for Thymoma in the Rabbit
Rabies Virus Infection in a Pet Guinea Pig and Seven Pet Rabbits
Dentistry in Pet Rabbits
Comparison Between Facemask and Laryngeal Mask Airway in Rabbits During Isoflurane Anesthesia
Assessment of Ketamine and Medetomidine Anaesthesia in the Domestic Rabbit
Comparative Study of Three Intramuscular Anaesthetic Combinations (Medetomidine / Ketamine, Medetomidine / Fentanyl / Midazolam and Xylazine / Ketamine) in Rabbits


Gastrointestinal Diseases of the Rabbit
Pet Care Forum Chat: Home & Holiday Hazards
Small Mammal Anesthesia
Small Mammal Surgery
Rabbit Facial and Dental Abscesses

Abscesses in Rabbits
Approach to the Anorectic Rabbit
Bladder Stones in Rabbits
Care of Orphaned Rabbits
Care of Rabbits
Flea Control For Rabbits
Gastrointestinal Physiology and Disease in the Domestic Pet Rabbit
Hairballs in Rabbits: Fact or Ficition
Head Tilt & Other Neurological Disease in the House Rabbit
Hind Limb Weakness in the Rabbit

Click here for more General Library Files...

Mammals Small and Exotic

Rabbits Library


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