Current Professional Activities
- Emergency and Critical Care Clinician, Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Services, Birmingham, United Kingdom
- RECOVER Instructor
- VIN Emergency Medicine Consultant
Past Professional Activities
- General practitioner, private practice, United Kingdom, 2017-2019
- Small Animal Rotating Internship, Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Royal Veterinary College, London
- Emergency and Critical Care Residency, Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Royal Veterinary College, London
Marital Status
- Long-term relationship, Dr Danielle Golds MRCVS - she puts up with me!
Surrogate Children
- Bumble Bee(ston) (Golden Retriever), Bumble for short. Constantly trying to be the main character in everyone's story.
- Cooking (especially low 'n' slow barbecue)
- Gym
- Acoustic guitar and singing
Favourite Quote
"Don't be sorry, be better..." - one of my close friends as my senior resident...
What I Like Most about VIN
The collaborative environment and opportunity for open discussion