VIN Consultants and Editors

Specialty: Mammals Small and Exotic

Associate Editor

Vicki Baldrey

Vicki Baldrey

Board Certification

  • Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Recognized Specialist (RCVS Specialist) Zoo & Wildlife Medicine (Avian), 2016

Honors Awards and Fellowships

  • Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK) (RCVS) Diploma in Zoological Medicine (Avian), 2014
  • Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK) (RCVS) Certificate in Zoological Medicine, 2009


  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science, University of Liverpool, 2005
  • Postgraduate Certificate, The Royal Veterinary College, 2019
  • Honours, Veterinary Bioscience, University of Liverpool, 2003

Current Professional Activities

  • Senior Lecturer in Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery, Royal Veterinary College, London (since 2016)

Past Professional Activities

  • 11 years in private small animal and exotics practice in the UK

Marital Status

  • Married to Kevin Bratt, IT consultant and emergency family laptop fixer


  • Proud auntie (Aunt Ix) to two fabulous nieces and their handsome Maine coon Lionel


  • Crochet (Amigurumi – mostly cute critters for my nieces)
  • Walking and Pilates - when I can find time and motivation
  • Reading a good novel with a gin & tonic

Favourite quote

‘Keep calm – you’ve got this’

What I Like Most About VIN

The sense of community and constant learning and development.

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