
What Do You Do When Ear Drops and Oral Antibiotics Don’t Work?

Continually dumping antibiotics in won't resolve chronic ear infections

Published: February 24, 2017

It’s a problem many of us dog owners have experienced, especially someone like myself who is in love with the Labrador Retriever.  You wake up to find that Fido is dragging his ear along the ground as if trying to pick up a radio signal from China.  You lift that floppy ear up only to find it’s Elmo red and it looks like someone dumped your left-over coffee grounds in there.  Yep, it’s another ear infection!  Well, yes, for the most part.  What many people don’t understand is that it’s not just an infection and that continually dumping antibiotics into the ear or popping pills won't resolve the problem. These recurrent infections are secondary to other underlying issues that will continue to repeat themselves if we don’t get to the bottom of why they happen. Continually just asking your veterinarian for more antibiotics will not fix your problem!

You see, most of these infections involve bacteria or yeast that normally live in your dog’s ear.  They have their own niche or ecosystem that under normal circumstances, allows them to survive in the ear canal and the dog’s body (immunity) keeps them in check.  When there is damage to this normal environment or ecosystem, such as allergic disease, tumors, or foreign bodies, these bugs can then overgrow and create an infection. This is just the tip of the iceberg as they say. Killing these opportunistic bugs only gets rid of the secondary infection for a time because there is an abnormality with the environment of the ear they live in, such as caused by those pesky allergies.  If we just treat the bugs without dealing with the true reason for the alteration in the ear’s ecosystem/environment, we will never have a chance to resolve these infections for good.

If we don’t address that bigger issue beyond the infection, it will return.  The bacteria will then be more resistant to previously used medication, the ear canal will start to get narrow from the chronic inflammation that results from these infections, and your dog will run and hide from you anytime they see a Q-tip!  In the worst-case scenario, your dog could build up so much scar tissue from these repeated infections that the ear canal becomes completely closed off to the world, locking in a nasty, resistant infection that only surgery can address!!  No bueno! 

If your dog experiences one or two infections a year, then you’re going to be okay with treatment guided by your veterinarian.  But if these infections occur more frequently than you check your Facebook page, you’re going to have to look for the underlying cause.  You will not be able to continuously just give antibiotics or anti-yeast medications as these bugs will develop resistance causing this treatment to fail! 


There can be many reasons your dog continues to get recurrent ear infections.  The most common cause is allergies, which are usually caused by food or environmental allergies.  But we’ll focus on those later.

Endocrine (hormonal) disease can also be a trigger for recurrent otitis.  The two most common endocrine diseases that can result in recurrent ear infections and inflammation are hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism.  Hypothyroidism is when your dog’s thyroid gland no longer makes appropriate amounts of thyroid hormone.  Lack of this hormone can affect a multitude of body systems and in this instance, predispose your dog to recurrent ear infections.  Other signs include gaining weight simply by looking at cheesecake in the display at Cheesecake Factory. (Oh wait…sorry, that’s me!)  Joking aside, uncontrolled weight gain, seeking out warm places, lethargy, hair loss, and recurrent skin and ear infections can all be due to reduced production of thyroid hormone.  Your veterinarian can run specific blood tests to see if this may be a cause.

Hyperadrenocorticism (aka Cushing’s disease) is when your dog’s adrenal glands produce excess amounts of the stress hormone cortisol.  Excess cortisol reduces the body’s ability to fight off infection.  Kind of a no-brainer here.  Obviously if you can’t defend yourself from infection, you’re going to get them more frequently.  Other common signs include increased appetite, increased thirst and urination, panting, hair loss and possibly an enlarged belly.  Again, your veterinarian can run a series of tests to help figure out whether this might be a problem.  Diagnosing and treating hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorticism effectively will help reduce the recurrence rate of these infections.

Sometimes your dog may get foreign material stuck down in the ear canal.  A blade of grass or foxtail could get lodged down in the ear canal and result in repeated infections if not removed.  Occasionally, your dog may develop a benign growth of tissue called a polyp deep in the ear canal that might cause recurrent infections. Your veterinarian can do a thorough ear examination, with or without sedation to see if any of these might be present.  Also on occasion, parasites such as certain mites can predispose to ear infection.  The good news here is that if one of these are found and addressed, your dog may be cured from these recurrent infections faster than you can deposit your check on payday!

But by far the most common reason for recurrent ear infections as alluded to above is ALLERGIES. That’s right folks, just like you and I, your dog is susceptible to allergic disease as well. In most instances this is either an allergy to a component in their food or an over-response of the immune system to some sort of grass, mold, weed, or fungus out in the environment (aka atopy or atopic dermatitis).  But instead of sneezing their heads off during ragweed season, it may manifest as recurrent ear infections!  With the help of your veterinarian, or better yet a veterinary dermatologist, you can devise a plan to figure out what allergy your dog might have and when addressed properly, reduce or eliminate the recurrence of these ear infections.  A simple food trial should help aid in figuring out whether these infections might be triggered by a particular food component.  Incorporating a hypoallergenic diet might be all that is needed to get rid of those pesky ear infections once and for all.

But if a food trial doesn’t do the trick, then a veterinary dermatologist can do a procedure called skin testing (intradermal skin testing) where a series of allergens are injected under your dog’s skin to see what he's allergic to.  Once these are discovered, then a series of injections can be give under the skin with a needle to help reduce your dog’s response to these allergens.  Alternatively, oral drops can be prepared and placed directly under the tongue to begin to dampen your dog’s immune response to these allergens.  This is a nice option for owners who get queasy thinking they have to give their pet an injection! 

Although injections, or these specially formulated under-the-tongue drops, remain the gold-standard treatment for allergies, many other therapies such as antihistamines, fish oils/fatty acids and drugs that suppress the immune-system directly (prednisone or cyclosporine) can help aid in the fight against allergies.  Although some of these drugs, such as the glucocorticoid prednisone, are effective at controlling the inflammation and itch associated with allergic disease, they can have unpleasant long-term effects such as causing diabetes mellitus if overused and abused. Cyclosporine can be effective but is expensive and many dogs get gastrointestinal distress when given this medication. 

Only by pursuing, eliminating, or treating these underlying factors can we help rid Fido of these recurrent infections.  Continuous, repeated antibiotic administration is not the answer.  In the words of my late grandfather, "That’s like peeing in a lake trying to raise the water level!"  It’s not going to work, and all involved will get frustrated, particularly Fido and his Elmo-red ear!


November 13, 2023

My husband and I got our little mini Goldendoodle puppy, Pepper, just before covid hit.  Little did we know how important that little guy would be to us.  He gave us such joy and purpose as we worked our way through lockdown.  He was the happiest little dog.  And, as my husband’s health declined, Pepper kept joy in the house.  After the passing of my husband, he gave me a reason to keep going.  But then IMHA hit.  He had just turned four years old.  On Tuesday night he was his normal self, barking at the squirrels.  On Wednesday morning he was lethargic, not interested in food. I observed him in the morning and decided something was off.  I took Pepper to the vet on Wednesday afternoon.  He vomited on the way to the vet.  Pepper loved to pull all the stuffing out of his toys and because he had worked all through Tuesday unstuffing a toy, we thought he might have ingested some stuffing though he was always good about not eating the toy insides.  His symptoms of vomiting and not eating led us down the wrong path.  Everything else was normal.    The vet did x-rays and results were questionable.  Vet said to take him home, hopefully if some stuffing was in there, it would pass.  Bring him back tomorrow if not better.  I took him back Thursday morning.  They performed a barium procedure and though everything was flowing through the small intestines, there was some cloudiness in the stomach.  I agreed to have him opened up and stomach cleared.  We also decided not to draw blood since he was such a young, healthy dog.  Big mistake.  Immediately upon opening him up, the vet realized he was very jaundiced inside.  They drew blood during the surgery and his PCV was 11.  She did clear some stuffing out but not enough to cause a blockage.  He was put on IV with high dose meds hoping to turn him around.  His Thursday evening blood draw showed improvement to 20.  I took him home and returned for more IV treatment on Friday morning.  He spent all Friday on IV.  I took him home Friday night and was to return Saturday morning for more IV treatment.  Wherever I placed him Friday evening, he did not move.  Refused all food and water.  At this point he had not eaten since Tuesday.  I spent all Thursday and Friday researching this dreaded disease.  The vet said that even if he turned around, there would be a strong possibility he would relapse.  I made the decision to let him go on Saturday morning before taking him in.  He had spent the entire night snuggled up next to me.  He did not move all night.  This happy little dog was in such misery.  Before agreeing to my decision, the vet wanted to do one more draw to see the Friday results.   His numbers went backwards to 17.  The vet agreed it was time to let him go.  This little light in my life is now gone.  It’s as if a switch was flipped and nothing could un-flip it. 


September 12, 2023

I have a 2 year old labradoodle that has had recurring ear infections since he was 6 months old. His vet said it may be due to allergies and prescribed him apoquel along with mometamax. The mometamax has never fully cleared up his infection and the apoquel does not seem to help. His ear wax is ALWAYS dark brown and gunky with a yeasty smell. I've tried changing foods which has not improved or worsened his symptoms. I feel so bad for him since he is up in the middle of the night shaking his head excessively. I noticed his paws also have a yeasty smell to them and he licks his paws often too. Any advice?


September 4, 2022

Very, very useful information thank you

August 24, 2022

Our 8 year old female cockerspaniel had been suffering for years with one of her ear constantly. Getting yeast and/ or bacterial infection n received anyibiotics n prednisone but was never comfortable. We had her get blood work n took her off food she tested positive for. The ear problem continued. At our last vet appointment I asked if there was another solution like surgery n he the said yes. I could bring her to specialist for surgical consultation. I wish I followed my instinct n brought her to surgeon at least five years ago. She had to have all of her inner ear removed as it had so much scar tissue medicine could never reach down there. Surgeon the sewed her ear closed. She can hear, recovered quickly n no more problems n she acts happier. Get a 2nd n 3rd n surgeon opinion. It’s worth it!

June 29, 2022

Wow… thank you for this information. This is what my dog has been going through and my vet kept telling me she has chronic allergies and there’s not much we can do. She has developed more ear infections than I can count and now her ears have developed polyps and are practically completely closed. I decided to take her to a different vet a few weeks ago and they tested her ears and found bacterial and yeast infection in both. They urged me to find a dermatologist and stated she will likely need surgery to remove the overgrowth and clean out her canals. If the drums are still intact and the infection can be addresssed. If it is not they would need to remove her canals and she’ll be deaf. It just broke my heart. They put her on prednisone and ear drop antibiotics. I made an appointment with a specialist and they quoted me $8k over the phone to do her surgery. I felt extremely uneasy about them quoting me without actually examining her. I reached out to another doctor who works with rescue organizations and sent him photos and the last vets visit summary. He told me that he would do her surgery for a fraction of the price. He didn’t agree with the prednisone wanted her on antibiotics. I came right away to get them and he examined her. He said the polyps could regrow and shed need the surgery again. Shes not doing good, the worst I’ve ever seen her. She is just like you described pot belly, rarely eats but gains a bunch of weight. Dragging her head on floor to itch. Shaking her head. The shaking of her head only recently started after giving her the amoxicillin  medication. She barely eats always thirsty and has little energy. I’m so concerned.

Elsie Charlene Jackson
June 10, 2022


June 3, 2022

My English bulldog is 11 and has had chronic ear infections her whole life. Antibiotics and treatments worked in the beginning but not anymore unfortunately. We have tried basically everything other than surgically closing her ear canal.. which I definitely wouldn’t consider at her age. She is on HA hydrolized vegetarian dog food (we have tried them all, including raw etc.) and no treats of any kind. Anything outside of her food causes allergy flare ups. At this point, with her ears, it is more about keeping her comfortable.. so we clean her ears every day with ‘pro-optic cleaning and drying solution’. She always gets excited when you grab it from the cupboard. If she is really uncomfortable we sometimes give her a Benadryl. Every now and again her ears will clear up on their own but we know the infection will eventually come back so we basically have a subscription to the cleaner. I hate not having a cure for her but after years of trying everything with no results this is how we are handling it. It’s such a shame to see so many dog owners dealing with the same frustrations.

June 2, 2022

I have 6years old German Shephard dog. He have ear infection for more than 3years and pus discharge, its reoccurring. We are visiting vets for more than 3years as well, they gave a lot of antibiotics tablets  as well as high dosage of antibiotic through injection . Vet even said that's the last dosage of high antibiotics that they can give it to him. They did ear cleaning ,blood tastes, food allergies, didn't find the cause of it. What can I do I don't want to give more antibiotic to my dog as he is getting older and thinner, weaker. Can someone give me suggestion what can I do to my dog. I was thinking of homeopathy remedy but I don't want to try that.

Chana Balk
March 12, 2022

My mostly Hound mix had 2 ear infections right around when we first got him back in May of 2021 (treated w/ surolon), then no infections for 9 months and now has once again had two infections in a row (we are treating for a 2nd time with surolon drops).  My question is if this was related to his chicken based food, wouldnt he have ad infections over those 9m?  I am tempted to try a lamb food instead but my instinct says that since he ate chicken for 9m and had no infections that the root problem lies elswhere.

Ann Johnson
November 30, 2021

I have a mini dachshund named Riley that seems to almost constantly have some sort of ear issues. She gets loads of that black gunk and the antibiotics and ear drops will start to take it away but unless she has two doses they really do nothing. She was a dog from a puppy mill and she is on wet dog food, with just a tad of the dry wellness. She will only eat the beef or white fish, and seems to have some sort of allergy to chicken so we stay away from that. She has a very high stress level and she was never acclimated to humans. She lived in the cage and had puppies all of her life and that's pretty much it. Can nerves be a factor and if so what do you suggest? I know she has a very high stress level, as she's terrified of everything. If stress can cause an ear infection, how do you deal with that? I'm trying to make her life as stress for you as possible, and I'm not sure I can make it any easier on her. Are there medicines or what you suggest in an instance like that? I will take her in and and see if they can run the test on her for all of the above that you mentioned, but if all boils down to stress, what do you do? Totally confused

Jean Garren
November 14, 2021

My schnauzer/yorky mix is almost a 1 and a half years old and has had problems since shortly after I got him. His has had panic attacks, almost to the point of seizures sometimes since he was a puppy...Emergency vet said ear mites....but ears clean and day he was fine. month or 2 later, again, but not as severe. following month again. Noticed episodes were occurring with same schedule of Advantix dose and doggy trim because both were on very close schedule. So we separated the cuts from the Advantix.... and the issue quit.....until about 2 weeks before his 1 yr 4 month check up. He kept shaking his head and scratching his neck and head raw. Vet trimmed up the scabbed areas and gave us antibiotics to give him orally and silver sulphadiazine cream to put on the sores. That was Oct 4th, and we changed his Oct, Nov and Dec monthly med to Heartguard. Now November 11 he is shaking his head and scratching a raw spot again. and he is also acting highly  anxious like something is after him. So he broke out before and after his heart worm meds, even tho we changed them up. What to do? I have to take him to the vet next week.....

Melissa Francis
October 23, 2021

My dig ha awful allergies,and it took years to figure out it was her yearly shots that were causing it.

Cythia Person
May 7, 2021

Hi Caroline Hunter, I also have a lab who is constantly getting ear infections during the colder months and then they seem to taper off through summer and early fall. My vet did the environmental allergy blood test and nothing came back so we decided to do the food trial. My vet put her on a prescription dog food and said to do it for about 3-4 months to see if there's any changes. The diet that we're doing is very strict, she cannot have any treats, it is strictly the dog food for the first 3-4 months and then if everything is going well, we can slowly introduce the treats that go along with the food. We're still early into our food trial so I haven't really noticed anything yet and we're also getting into the warmer part of the year which is when her infections become less frequent. I wish everyone the best of luck for your fur babies.

Nicole Pauling
March 16, 2021

My dog has had near constant ear infections for his entire life. We have tried every food. Including $100 a month food from the vet. I have spent $1000 THIS month. He cries in pain all day long. I don't know what to do for him. You can't even pet him. I'm honestly thinking about putting him to sleep because he is in so much pain and nothing seems to help. Also, I can't really afford to pay $12,000 a year for vet care. Any thoughts on helping him would be amazing but it putting him down is the only option I really am at my wit's end. I know there is removing his ear canals but then he will be deaf!

February 27, 2021

My Sadie has bad ear infections now for 2+ years straight! At her vets just two visits, $800+, several meds and ear washes it’s bad, the vet doesn’t do a good job of cleaning it out. If it wasn’t for her beauty shop visits don’t know what I’d do. She won’t let me near her, I think because I’m leaning over her and she doesn’t like that. At night I can’t sleep, I hear her ears draining and know she’s having problems! As long as she suffers I’ll never sleep, just breaks my heart! That much money just takes a hit on me, I’m so lost and confused on what to do!?  My poor Sadie just deserves better!

Heather A. Alexander
February 26, 2021

I'm in the same exact spot as everyone else here with my 5 year old cockapoo.  Cannot get rid of double ear infections...going on two years now.  Two vets, several antibiotics. Trying switching diet, probiotics.  Nothing is working..  so frustrated...Headed to a specialist now.  Spent over $1000.

Christy Corp-Minamiji, DVM
February 8, 2021

Hi all, please remember if you have questions about your own pet's health, you need to consult with your veterinarian.  It's just not possible (not to mention illegal and unethical) for any veterinarian, including our VetzInsight team, to give any sort of diagnosis or prognosis or recommend treatment without having examined your pet.

February 8, 2021

Hi! My dog had chronic recurrent ear infection for almost 2 years. Recently his vet took some blood and hormone tests and results show his cortisol is too low. Do you think this can be related to his ear infection?

Caroline Hunter
February 7, 2021

Thank you so much for this information we are on a very difficult journey with our amazing lab retriever who has had recurrent ear infections for over a year.  She really struggles with pain, itching.  We have tried steroids, antibiotics and are now a couple of weeks into a food trial.  I think we may need to try the dermatologist route next week.  Do you know how long we should try the food trial without positive result before moving on?

Aurela Edgson
January 20, 2021

Hi. I have an 11-year-old American Cocker Spaniel who is having recurrent ear infections in the setting of chemo on marphelan for adenocarcinoma of the anal glands. Any suggestions on how to prevent these infections? Any food suggestions to try? Anything else? He almost never got them before but has been having this issue for years now. Also, any tips on getting rid of teeth plaque?

January 14, 2021

ANGELA - I just wanted to tell you that I am so sad and so sorry to read about your puppy.  I hope you can get answers to help you understand what really happened.

Angela Ramirez
January 8, 2021

Hi , how are you. My name is Angela and i recently had my 9 month old puppy die very unexpectedly. He was extremely healthy , ate very well , slept all the time , exercised , and he had gone to the doctor plenty of times and was always fine . We had taken him to our local vet for an ear infection on Wednesday at 6pm . The doctor saw us at 6:23 pm , he had cleaned out my dogs ear and said he was going to give him two shots of “antibiotics” . Once my puppy got the shots and he left home (which is only 4 minutes away) by the time I got inside my puppy back legs had given out ; then his front paws and a second later he started shaking and went limp . We rushed back to the vet and when the doctor saw him , he checked his teeth and his gums were completely white . I was completely devastated  , he was fine before he had gotten his shots . It only took a matter of 15 minutes and then he just died . The next day I took him to get cremated at a different doctors office and the doctor that had examine him said that the way my dog was left is uncommon and I should investigate . They tried to see if there was blood flow in his body and when he checked he said that “there was not a single drop of blood left” now I may not know much but I definitely know that for a small dog he should’ve had blood left in his body . Along with that , his gums were completely white , and his ear that was infected (it looked normal just a bit dirty when he was alive) was bloody and black and blue .. please help me understand what could’ve happened . I just don’t understand how a young healthy puppy could’ve died in such a way

Teri Ann Oursler, DVM
December 31, 2020

Good morning. I am sorry to hear that your dog is having recurrent ear infections.  This is almost always due to underlying allergies and until you figure out what the dog is allergic to, the ear infections will continue. Allergies in dogs, cats and people are frustrating, we all know.  Here is some information from our sister site, Veterinary Partner.  I hope you and your vet can put together a plan for testing for inhalant allergens and a food trial to rule out food allergies, as well as looking closely at flea control. Good luck and Happy New Year.

December 31, 2020

My dog is having this recurrent ear infection for over a year now. None of the oitments or anitibiotics helped and as soon as the course finishes, it reoccures. We're so frustrated with our vets as they prescribe the same things which didn't help. The infection is spreading to his underarm as it's getting red, bumpy and itchy. Please help

December 22, 2020

AMAZING EAR MED My dog stuttered a few years.Besides allergies. Ear sealed close. He had an infection only 1 super vet helped us..he used a mixture it took a few treatments he did it! oti-pack-A Amakacin From sulphate 0.67% Ketoconazole 1%Triamcinolone Acetonide, 3ml or otic syringe 6 pack..Dr instills. of course he sent out a culture.

December 4, 2020

I have a pit mixed with American bull dog. For over a year now I have spent over a $1000 at the vet trying to treat his stinky ear infection. We have tried ear drops, antibiotics, and steroids numerous of times. I had him for 3 years before having to deal with the ear infection and it seemed to come out of no where. I feel like my vet is just taking my money at this point since they have yet been able to treat his infection. If anyone can provide any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

David M
December 2, 2020

My j russell has had an ear infection now for over a year with no end in sight she has had the usual drops tabs etc, i am now thinking of a ear canal removal as a last solution that if the ear canal isn't there there cant be any infections, any takes on this as a solution.

October 27, 2020

Thank you so much for this article! Our yellow lab (9 years old) began having chronic ear infections about a year ago.  The vet continues to treat with ear drops; we're getting frustrated because it's not helping him, he's miserable & we're back at the vet's office every 5-6 weeks. He has gained weight (no change in diet)and is losing hair as well.  I hope using this info will help us get the right diagnosis.  Thanks!  

MJ Vestal
October 5, 2020

My 11 year old rescue Bichon developed a very smelly, greasy wad of gunk in his ear After 4 vets and well over $1600 no one has helped. Took my money for 3 visits each and then said nothing else they can do... go to a specialist. One told me he might be allergic to beef and chicken. So for 10 years  he  was fine eating beef and chicken then all of a sudden he develops an allergy and it affects only one ear. His ear is so sensitive he yelps and snaps if I try to clean it up. He won't let me near his ear. At this point I am afraid of getting soaked for even more money and still end up with the problem. Can anyone tell me what a specialist might know or do that a regular vet can't. I am a senior and disabled. Carting him around doesn't make him any happier than it does me. Is there any homeopathic treatment that might help him?

Amber Littleton
September 6, 2020

My dog, a pit mix, has had chronic ear infections for about 2 years now. The vet she has now, basically just shrugs it off as she has small ear canals so I'm just going to have to deal with it. I would like to get to the root cause, maybe try something to use as a preventative. She got a strong dose of an antibiotic in the office so they could give it, the monday beforelast, by the following monday she was starting to shake her head and do the head tilt again so I checked her ears and they were starting to get puffy red. Went to have her checked,they said the ear swabbed came back neither yeast or bacterial but she only noticed a little inflammation. She told me to continue giving her zyrtec as she prescribed the previous week. By thursday her right ear was bright red and I could see swelling inside. Called again to speak to vet and she didnt even ask to see her just told me I could either do the strong antibiotic again in office or try zymox, which is an enzyme she said would work good for her. This was friday, I started zymox. Tonight is sunday, both ears are super swelled, puffy, red and shes even caused some bleeding from scratching them. I am calling first thing in the morning to figure out what to do. We paid for a package deal to include her yearly shots and free check ups for a year. So we mainly pay for the ear swabs and antibiotics. I have worried that she is becoming resistant to antibiotics and am not sure what else to do. We've spent hundreds of dollars each month for meds and it is really digging deep in our pockets. We are a family of five so, of course money is tight. I do not want to get rid of her, shes part of the family. I would just like answers!

Suzanne Jiracek
August 30, 2020

My dog is a pit bull 9years old she has had both ear conals removed she has no drainage or infections any more this surgery was life or death but now she wants to sleep a lot.

August 7, 2020

We have a German shepard who has had chronic ear infections on and off for years. We were heartbroken and Frustrated! So was our vet. Nothing worked long term. The ointment..nope...the antibiotic pills..nope..nothing. But then we, or our great vet used a treatment called c.l.a.r.o. otic solution (had to put periods in the name-autocorrect). It is applied at the vet (after a thorough, sedated cleaning) it stays active in ears for three weeks. You do not touch them. You do not allow them to get wet. Our boy had a severe infection so we did have to repeat once (not sedated because less pain), and NO infection!!! It has been five months and he is so happy! We finally feel like we have a handle on this years long saga and it still seems like a miracle. Hope this helps someone out there.

Dana Monte
July 29, 2020

So my pit mix has been diagnosed with environmental allergies (grass, trees, dust mites). I gave him allergy shots for about a year; expensive and I honestly did not see much of a change.He gets ear infections and skin infections. He was on apoquel, responded to first cytopoint injection but not the second because an infection was bewing. Currently on a very high does of cephalexin for a week and I am not seeing much of a change where in the past I saw a change immediately. Called vet...waiting for a call back tomorrow. I give him weekly baths with a medicated shampoo.....I feel so bad for my buddy as it is apparent that he is not feeling well. I also give him omega 3 capsules and a probiotic daily. I am puzzled and frustrated for him at this point.......

Christine Satterthwaite
July 13, 2020

My dog is 14 she is a Yorkshire terrier and has had ear infections twice this year. Ear drops and antibiotics seem to work then about a week after the course finishes it reoccurs.  She had ear drop 2 months ago and there is still a smell coming from her ear even though I clean them out. 

jen oaks
July 7, 2020

i have a 12 year old dachshund Ive tried everything but he has constant ear infections not sure what else to do

June 10, 2020

Hi my 9 year old German shepherd has been suffering from ear infections for quite a few years he's had antibiotics steroids been under sedation and ended up with a floppy ear he's still having the same problem keeps shaking his ear and it's red and scabby inside vets don't seem to no what it is could it be an allergy since the operation he dribbles more and does the reverse sneeze all the time I don't no what else to do could u give me some advice please

June 8, 2020

Another thing I put cotton balls in my dogs ear when ever my dog is around water I do not let water get into my dogs here. Another thing I have read with having a purebred. Is it can be hereditary.  Check Dam/Sire health records. Some dogs have a different shaped ear inside or big an floppy on outside. Read Read Read that’s what I have done. Just think if you’re miserable �� How does your dog feel. If you ever had an ear infection it is painful. Dogs ear infection was so bad when I bought him he ran in circles rested his head up against the wall, loss of balance and became very aggressive.I have spent over $3000. Anybody is thinking about vet insurance. I would highly recommend it.�� Good luck

June 8, 2020

I had a culture done on my German Shepherd he was resistant to 12 anabiotic’s. Florfenicol was the susceptible antibiotic that could only be used on cows. Finally a product with Florfenicol was made with this ingredient in it I found many places that sell this product U can request the prescription from your vet sent to Chewy’s. Chewy’s Is by far the cheapest. This has to be shipped on ice. Other companies charge $30 shipping Because it needs to be shipped separately. Chewy’s charges a flat rate of $4.50. Also my veterinarian made a drop with the Epi-Otic,Dexamethasone SP, Miconazole... (That’s a cleaner a steroid and an anti-fungal) If your dog has an antibiotic susceptible that can be added. Another thing depending where you live you can Request your veterinarian record. Just like you would request your own records. State statues:With a written informed consent signed by you,you can request your dogs records from your veterinarian. Also can you get prescriptions for your dog as long as you’d like if you request them. Make sure your records are correct it can cost money especially if you’re switching vets veterinarian records cannot be sent to another veterinarian without your signed consent. Just found out another medication is Clairo.

Juanita LaBorde
May 3, 2020

Thank u for information.   I rescue 15 yr old dachshund and its been  $250 like every month at season change. But this yr its been 4 trips to vet and 3 shots and antibiotic on top of antibiotics.   Special  med drops for his food and it's a nightmare.   He is bath 1 per week in special shampoo.   But now I have moved so time for new vet.

April 10, 2020

My ten year old pit has had infections since she was three, and all the vets do is charge charge charge! Thank you for such a great article, I’m going to switch vets and get some testing done. I feel so bad for my baby

February 10, 2020

The best idea was getting a culture of the bacteria then having a compound pharmacy compound the medication since it was mono culture and only sensitive to one antibiotic.- this was advice from a friend

January 28, 2020

My dog has been battling ear issues for 4 years now, many visits to the vet, cleaning drops, antibiotics, diet change and money. The poor dog is still miserable. Vet now suggest the surgery for lateral ear resection.

William Lee
December 17, 2019

So glad i found this read.  my dog has been struggling for a solid year, and my vet has just shrugged his shoulders every time. going to a new clinic and running test asap! thank you for your insight.

Chelsea MacPhail
November 29, 2019

Our 8 year old Golden has had many ear infections over the years. Her current infection is in both ears, and is anti-biotic resistant. The vet has told us that after the second dose of meds which she is finishing now, they won’t have anything else to treat the infection and they’ll have to do surgery to remove her ear canals. We’re interested in learning about any other options available. Would allergy testing at this point help with the current infection??? Also would love to hear more about essential oils used. We’re seeking out a specialist as well.

November 11, 2019

We have an older Welsh Terrier rescue who has severe ear issues. Her ears look like cauliflower inside and it's difficult to clean or put drops in because the opening is so small. She has been on all types of antiobiotics, prednisone and washes. We have had her tested for allergies and recently had a swab test where they found 5 different organisms. The baytril drops seem to help but it's a daily battle. We feel helpless at times and wish we could just cure her. She has been on different types of foods but according to the allergy test by Dr. Jean Dodds, she really isn't allergic to most foods. We are now giving her Cytopoint shots which do help somewhat but doesn't solve the problem. We don't know what else to do for this poor girl.

LaRae McGahuey
October 29, 2019

We have a 13 year old carine terrier. He has had a yeast infection for many years.  His skin in areas is black and flaky. We have tried everything. Diet changes, low carb foods, anti fungal shampoos with vinegar rinses. He got better for awhile but it's back 10 times worse and is now attacking the ears.  We have been on meds 3 times now. But it continually comes back. He's only been off the last dose 2 weeks and already his itching at his ears again.  I don't know what else to do with him. We have spent over $1000.00 dollars.  We love our little man, and feel terrible for him, he's miserable. 

Kelly Jennings
October 29, 2019

Please before putting down, we have been dealing with our smallest dog having ear infection for months. Our vet is using some essential oils mixed with Manuka Honey. Talk to vet first. Our guys infection became resistant to all antibiotics. We have also added pre and probiotics, vitamin c, and echinacea/goldenseal. He’s doing better. He’s not in pain anymore.

October 9, 2019

We have tried everything and I mean everything. I am calling the vet yet again to have her thyroid checked. My husband feels so bad about her being in pain. He’s considering having her put down. She has had this problem since she was a pup. She is 5. She also has kidney disease.

September 23, 2019

I have an elderly chocolate lab that has had ear infections literally for years. He was my mom's dog and she never took him to the vet, so once I was able to afford to take him out of there and get him to the vet, I did so. He had also been diagnosed with hypothyroidism five years ago, but he was never treated. (Yes, this was a horrible situation for him, and I wish I could've helped him sooner) I took him to the vet, and he was missing tons of hair, had skin infection, eye infection, and a massive ear infection. His thyroid levels were rechecked, and he was started on various antibiotics, oral, eardrums, and eyedrops as well as 0.6mg of levothyroxine. He finished the eyedrops and the oral antibiotic last week, one ear was infection free, so I was just to continue the eardrops in his other ear. The past two days, the infection appears a little worse, with a return of the telltale odor. He has been on the thyroid medication now since Aug. 31st. Is this long enough for the thyroid medication to help keep the ear infection from getting worse? He will be getting the levels rechecked next week, and I do plan to call my vet tomorrow to see what they recommend, but I would like to hear another vet's opinion. Thanks so much!

Christy Corp-Minamiji, DVM
September 12, 2019

Hi Kristen,  unfortunately, immune systems being what they are, it's certainly possible to develop an allergy to another protein (such as fish) over time.  If he is receiving anything else (treats, chewable medications, the occasional human food), that could also play a role.  I'd suggest going back to your veterinarian and reviewing diet options as well as other diagnostics.

Kristen Duquette
September 9, 2019

Hi! I have a 5 year old Labradoodle and I’m having the exact same issues as Andy! I’m mentally exhausted with the situation, broke and, most importantly, feel just awful for my Fur Baby! My question is this - When he first had the issue, about 4 years ago, it resolved when we changed his food to a fish protein rather than a meat protein. Is it possible that he has now developed an allergy to THIS food?!? He has no other symptoms that you mentioned in your article... just a nasty ear infection that won’t go away, no matter the treatment. Thank you for your time!

Dr. Nathan Mueller
August 28, 2019

Hi Andy,  It's hard to say exactly because each pet is different and food trials take patience.  In general, it may take 12-16 weeks before you know if it will help.

August 28, 2019

our golden doodle has a chronic infection in his right ear only for about 5 years. we have seen multiple vets and tried many abx, prednisone and ear washes and sedation flushing at the vet. about $10K in total. we are now trying Royal Canin hypoallergenic food. IF this works, how long before we MAY see improvement ? any other thoughts ???? thanks

Lowen Russell
February 28, 2019

My miniature Dachshund has had an ear infection for about 6 months. And he has been treated with antibiotics and ear drops nothing seams to work. what next?

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