Notes on Techniques for the Collection and Processing of Semen of Various Species of Elasmobranchs in Hong Kong Ocean Park
IAAAM 2019
Paolo Martelli1*; Lee Foo Khong1; Sarah Churgin1; Mickey Cheung1; Azad MA Rahman2
1Veterinary Department, Zoological Operations and Conservation, Ocean Park Corporation, Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR; 2City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Ave Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong SAR


Ocean Park’s veterinary team has a long record of collection and processing semen of cetaceans and pandas. In the last 3 years we have directed resources towards collection of elasmobranch semen. This paper presents lessons learned from semen collection from various species of rays and sharks, as well as progress made in the assessment, processing, and preservation of semen: fresh, chilled, or frozen. The ability to collect elasmobranch semen and the relative stability of elasmobranch semen opens a number of possibilities for the captive management and the conservation of elasmobranchs, including semen exchange between remote facilities, collection of semen in situ from wild specimens, and increasing heterozygosity.

* Presenting author


Speaker Information
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Paolo Martelli
Veterinary Department, Zoological Operations and Conservation
Ocean Park Corporation
Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR

MAIN : Session 12: Elasmobranchs: No Bones About It! : Elasmobranch Semen Collection & Processing
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