TECH234-0613: Blood Banking
INSTRUCTOR(S): Kenichiro Yagi, BS, RVT, VTS (ECC) and Sally Lester, DVM, MVSc, DACVP (Anatomy & Clinical Pathology)
COURSE OPEN: June 18-August 2, 2013
REAL TIME SESSIONS (RTS): Tuesdays, June 25, July 2, 9, 16, and 23, 2013; 9:00pm-10:30pm ET (USA)
Course RTS Times in Your Area:
World Clock Converter
Practice Sessions: In order to prepare you for a successful experience in your CE course, we request you attend a Practice Session prior to the first Real Time Session. Please arrive promptly at the start time; each Practice Session is up to 1 hour in length. For more information, please visit the
CE Practice Area.
**The instructors for this course will be using audio which will require you to have a headset or speakers to listen. If you have any concerns regarding your computer's audio capabilities, please be sure to attend a Practice Session.
Level and Prerequisites:
This intermediate course is intended for veterinary technicians, veterinarians, and other veterinary staff members who are currently running or are investigating establishment of an in-house or community blood bank. There are no required prerequisites for this course; however veterinary teams are encouraged to enroll.
VSPN CE Course:
This course is RACE approved for veterinary technicians only.
Course Description:
Advancements in transfusion medicine and blood component therapy have provided valuable treatment options for a variety of conditions. It is now common for veterinary practices to invest in the banking of blood components enabling quick response to patient needs. This course is designed to provide foundational principles in transfusion medicine including the usefulness and complications of blood component transfusions, and provide participants with the knowledge and resources to make practical choices in operating an in-house veterinary blood bank, acquiring and maintaining a sustainable donor pool, and creating transfusion protocols for their practice.
This course will consist of five (5) ninety (90) minute Real Time Session, supplemental library materials, interactive message board discussions, and a mandatory end-of-course test.
Successful completion (scoring 80% or better) on the end-of-course test is required to be considered for a course certificate of completion.
Upon completion of this course, the participant should be able to
- illustrate and discuss concepts in component therapy and the indications, contraindications, and risks of component transfusions.
- paraphrase concepts in and outline properly testing for blood component compatibility.
- create a donor program with proper donor selection and screening protocols.
- collect blood donations, perform component separation, and summarize component storage procedures.
- plan and implement pertinent blood component transfusion and blood banking protocols.
- utilize various options to sustain an adequate donor pool.
Course Materials: Online access to the required text is included in the enrollment cost courtesy of VIN and Dr. Sally Lester.
- Course Participants will be given access to the Blood Banking Manual (2012), a resource guide donated to the VIN database by Sally Lester DVM, MVSc, DACVP (Clinical & Anatomic) and Joe Musielak, DVM (videos).
Recommended Textbook(s): Additional suggested references will be included within the course library.
About the Instructors: Kenichiro Yagi has worked in emergency and critical care since 2001, certified as a Veterinary Technician Specialist in ECC in 2011. He currently works as an ICU Supervisor and Blood Bank Manager at a busy 24 hour practice in California overseeing approximately 200 blood component transfusions per year with an in-house blood bank equipped for blood component separation. He is also employed as an instructor for the Veterinary Technology Department at a local community college and lectures on ECC related topics at the local and national level.
Dr. Sally Lester graduated in 1967 as a DVM from WSU, practiced for 10 years then followed with a Masters in Clinical Pathology from Western College in Saskatoon. She received Diplomate status in Clinical Pathology in 1980 and Anatomic Pathology in 1988. She started veterinary labs in Seattle and Vancouver, BC in 1982 and remained as CEO of the Vancouver Lab until 2006. Dr. Lester continues to consult and is the Laboratory Director for Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital and Seattle Veterinary Specialists in Washington State; both of which have blood banks. She has been a VIN consultant since 1993.
Course Outline:
Week 1: (Real Time Session June 25): Blood Transfusions and Component Therapy
Content: In the first session, principles of transfusion medicine and blood component therapy will be covered. Component therapy is the higher standard of transfusion medicine, maximizing efficient use of a limited resource, and minimizing transfusion related complications. Blood components currently available to us, the function, indications, contraindications, and risks of each component transfusion will be covered.
Week 2: (Real Time Session July 2):
Donor Selection and Screening
Content: In the second session the elements of a suitable blood donor will be addressed. Proper donor selection is important in ensuring safety for both donors and recipients. Concepts behind blood types, blood donor requirements, donor elimination factors, and proper blood donor screening and testing prior to entering the donor pool will be covered.
Week 3: (Real Time Session July 9):
Blood Collection and Component Separation
Content: Once the donor has been selected, collection and component separation procedures are determined. The donation process can significantly affect the quality of the donor's experience and blood collected; on-site component separation has its advantages. Recommendations on pre-donation practices, various equipment, supplies, and methods utilized in a collection, and post-donation treatment will be made. The process of separating whole blood into different components and required equipment will be covered.
Week 4: (Real Time Session July 16):
Blood Bank Protocols
Content: In the fourth session, blood banking and transfusion protocols will be discussed. Established, explicit protocols aid in ensuring consistency and quality of patient care. Blood component compatibility testing, blood component transfusion administration and monitoring, and quality assurance are important in minimizing the risks of transfusion related complications.
Week 5: (Real Time Session July 23): Meeting Blood Bank Demands
Content: In the final session, creation and maintenance of a blood donor program will be discussed. Sustaining an adequate donor pool is one of the most difficult challenges for a blood bank. Various settings create differing demands from a donor program. We will incorporate these discussions interactively and discuss suitable methods of obtaining an adequate donor pool to meet practice transfusion demands, various sources of donors, informed consent, incentives to donate, and ideas for blood banks to show gratitude for the gift of giving.
Tuition: $150 ($135 early bird special if enrolled by June 4, 2013).
* Students currently enrolled in and taking at least 2 classes or 5 units at an AVMA accredited or CAAHT approved Veterinary Technician Program may be eligible to receive a 50% discount off the regular rate for this course (upon verification of student status).
*To ensure participants are ready and prepared for classes, enrollment will close when the maximum number of participants is reached or at 5pm ET the day of the first Real Time Session unless otherwise noted. If the first Real Time Session is on a weekend, course enrollment will close on the Friday before the first Real Time Session.
*For more information on how online CE works, see the
Participant Resource Center.
- Enrollment qualifications: VIN CE courses are open to VIN member and non-member veterinarians. Veterinarians enrolling in a VSPN CE course must be a VIN member. Veterinary support staff must be a VSPN member to enroll in a VSPN CE or a VIN CE course open to VSPN member enrollment.
- Each enrollee must be able to receive emails from and addresses. Email is our major form of communication with participants; personal emails are highly recommended rather than clinic/hospital email addresses.
- Each person is individually responsible for his/her own registration. To ensure that all information received is secure and correct, please do not enroll for a course on behalf of another individual.
- For further assistance call 1-800-700-INFO (4636) or email (VIN CE) or (VSPN CE) Please include the course title, your full name, and contact information in your correspondence.
"This course has been approved for 7.5 continuing education credits in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB RACE approval; however participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery of continuing education."Call VSPN/VIN CE at 1-800-700-4636 for further information. (Attendees are encouraged to check with their licensing jurisdiction(s) for information regarding recognition by their board).
Course withdrawal and refund policy: A complete refund of the paid course price will be issued when your withdrawal request is received prior to the listed start date of the course. If you wish to withdraw after the start date please contact the VIN/VSPN office 1-800-700-INFO (4636) to discuss eligibility for a pro-rated refund.
* Note: To ensure rapid handling of your request for withdrawal, we recommend that you call the VIN/VSPN office at 1-800-700-INFO (4636).
*For more information on VSPN's upcoming CE courses, check the
VSPN Course Catalog.
Nanette R. Walker Smith, MEd, RVT, CVT, LVT
VSPN Content Director & CE Coordinator
VSPN CE Services:
1-800-846-0028 or 1-530-756-4881 or direct line to VIN/VSPN from the United Kingdom: 01452226154
Charlotte Waack (; ext 193 (Illinois)
Chris Upchurch (; ext 197 (Florida)
Barb Burri (; ext 764 (New Hampshire)
Lisa Kernaghan (; ext 159 (Arizona)
Nanette Walker Smith (; ext 187 (Colorado)
800.700.4636 | | 530.756.4881 | Fax: 530.756.6035
777 West Covell Blvd, Davis, CA 95616
Copyright 2000, Veterinary Information Network, Inc.