Judy St. Leger
The International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine is dedicated to advancing the art and science of aquatic animal medicine and health. This conference provides an important mechanism for the free exchange of knowledge, which will lead to the improvement of health care and husbandry of domesticated aquatic animals and the proper management of wild aquatic animal resources. All who work with and care for aquatic animals are indebted to those who have given so freely of their time and talent to present these abstracts and manuscripts at this conference, so that we may share and increase our knowledge and understanding of aquatic animal medicine and health.
The papers and data contained in these Proceedings are the property of the authors and shall not be reproduced in any manner without the author's prior permission.
The abstracts and manuscripts in these Proceedings were not subject to peer review. The International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine, Proceedings Editor, and Session Chairpersons are not responsible for the content of these papers. Questions should be directed to the authors.
Address Inquiries To:
Lisa Mazzaro
IAAAM Secretary
Mystic Aquarium
55 Coogan Boulevard
Mystic, CT 06355 USA
860-772-5955 ext. 127 (phone)
860-772-5969 (fax)
Continuing Education
Continuing education co-sponsored by the American College of Zoological Medicine.