Emergency Medicine in a Disaster: Roundtable Discussion
IAAAM 1990
Thomas D. Williams
Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA



Tom Williams (MBA)


Michele Lemay (NMFS)

Data Acquisition

Sam Ridgway (NOSC)

Government Role

Mona Haebler (EPA)

Role of Organized Vet. Med.

Art Tennyson (AVMA)

Medicine and Surgery

Riley Wilson (Alaska)


Neylan Vedros (Pub. Health)

1.  Leadership

a.  Flow charts

b.  Communication

c.  Coordination

d.  Public relations

e.  Public Health

2.  Data Acquisition, Management, & Research.

a.  Data Base

b.  Research

c.  Record keeping

3.  Government Role

a.  Lead Agency, Coordinating all agencies

4.  Role of Organized Veterinary Medicine

a.  List of people and reference material for disaster

b.  organize training

c.  Non-profit organization to solicit and receive funds.

5.  Medicine and Surgery

a.  Contingency Plans, need for pre-planning

b.  Daily meetings and re-evaluation

c.  Capture stress

6.  People

a.  Stress

b.  Basic survival

c.  Why rehabilitate

d.  Logistics



Each panelist will have 10 minutes to discuss their area of expertise and then questions will be taken from the floor. The section will be taped and post meeting the panelists will collate their data and the discussion session to be used for planning response to a disaster.

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Thomas D. Williams, DVM
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey, CA

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