Dr. Donald F. Amend, Director of Research
A discussion of the development of equipment, drugs, chemicals, and materials used to treat, nourish, handle, and contain aquatic animals.
Tavolek fish health products have world-wide scope. Production is done by Pitman-Moore labs.
Aquaculture - better techniques are needed in fish culture, disease control, genetics and nutrition.
New Product Requirements
Vaccines - have been developed for Vibrio and Enteric red mouth.
Antifungals, growth promotants, antibiotics, anesthetics, tranquillizers, endocrines, diagnostics, disinfectants and parasiticides are needed.
New delivery techniques - vaccination methods such as direct immersion and the shower method are being studied.
Procedures used to bring a new fish vaccine to market:
Ascertain current status of problem
mortality, morbidity, incidence.
disease control possible?
drug resistance exists?
Disease situation
A working strain is cultured, then treated (for example by attenuation).
It is tested parenterally and orally and various topical methods such as immersion, shower-spray and hyperosmotic treatment are used.
Vaccinated fish are challenged to see whether or not they are protected.
An outline of the production of a successful bacterin is sent to the USDA for approval.
The vaccine is field tested.
Further development - shelf life, use with other species, onset and duration data, cross-protection studies are considered.
The FDA has to grant a license before the vaccine can be marketed.