Our cases comprised of 51 dogs of various breed, age and sex, brought to the surgery department, with a complaint of gait abnormality or abnormal bone formation. To begin with, anamnesis was taken for each case and age, sex and feeding patterns were recorded, as well as details of litter-mates where it was possible. All cases were X-rayed and blood samples were collected in order to determine Ca and P parameters.
In most of the cases, such an abnormality was not encountered in the litter-mates. However, it was surprising to observe this problem in all 3 dogs of the same litter. All growth plates had been affected in one case. In addition, it was noticed that 34 dogs were kept in closed and narrow surroundings and there was not sufficient space to move.
In retained endochondral ossification cases, evaluation of the analysis results revealed that phosphor lewels were singnificantly higher. In addition, it was noticed that 23 cases were taken from their mothers at an early stage and fed higher levels of meat products.
In cases with retained endochondral ossification following long-term follow-ups of 28 of the cases, the dogs returned to normal, after being fed a balanced diet and given increased exercise and bone growth continued. However, radius curvus was noted due to this temporary interruption in the distal ulnar growth plate.
It was concluded that the lesion was not localised to the ulna only and in cases affected by retained endochondral ossification the nutrition factor played a significant role.
It should not be forgetten that the growth of affected bones is interrupted temporarily and necessary measurements should be taken to prevent possible future deformation.