Effects of Peritoneal Dialysis on Blood Gas Parameters in Small Animals: Retrospective Study
EVECC 2021 Congress
M.A. Daza; S. Belinchon; E. Llorca; E. Martínez; M. Portero; M. Rodríguez; C. Fragío
Hospital Clínico Veterinario Complutense, Madrid, Spain


Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is frequently used in small animals. Correcting acid-base problems is one of its goals. The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of PD performed with a commercial dialysis solution on blood gas (BG) and electrolytes values in dogs and cats with acute kidney injury (AKI).


A retrospective study was conducted including dogs and cats diagnosed with AKI or acute on chronic kidney disease and undergoing PD with Physioneal-40 Glucose 1.36% (Baxter ®) dialysate solution. All BG and electrolyte analysis were performed with a ABL90 FLEX analyzer (Radiometer®, Copenhagen). Lactate Ringer´s was administered as maintenance fluid. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess distribution of variables. Mean (±standard deviation) is used for normally- and median (minum-maximum) for non-normally distributed data. Paired t test and Wilcoxon signed ranks test were used to evaluate variations after treatment (parametric and nonparametric distribution respectively). P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.


8 animals were enrolled (6 dogs and 2 cats) between 2016 and 2020. Four were male and four female. Mean age was 8.50±3.8 years and median weight 9.4 kg (1.9–35.4). The mean time gap between first and second BG analysis was 29.13±9.25 h. Significant increase was observed for ΔpH (0.159±0.115, p=0.005; pH1=7.160±0.17 vs. pH2=7.318±0.077), ΔHCO3 (6.943±2.541, p=<0.0001; HCO31=14.13±7.045 mmol/L vs. HCO32=21.07±6.505 mmol/L), ΔBE [9.6 (3.7–15.2), p=0.007; BE1=-15.5 (-28.3–6.20) vs. BE2=-3.70 (-14.2–9.90)] and almost significant for ΔpCO2 (4.688±5.714, p=0.053; pCO21=36.40±9.763 mm Hg vs. pCO22=41.06±7.846 mm Hg). Change was not significant for ΔNa+ [-1.40 (-7.0–3.0); p=0.328], ΔK+ (-0.829±1.801; p=0.234), ΔCl- [-5.29±6.499; p=0.074,( p=0.6875)], ΔGlucose (-2.57±145.4; p=0.9642).

Mean number of exchanges performed in between the 2 BG samples was 9.13±3.39; fluid volume introduced was 37.21±10.99 ml/kg. Median dwell time was 1.75 h (1–4).


All patients with AKI undergoing PD with Physoneal-40 Glucose 1.36% as dialysate solution experienced improvement in their acid-based status. No impact on electrolytes was observed possibly due to a type II statistical error. The significant changes seen might be associated to progression of disease or other therapies and not necessarily due to peritoneal dialysis.


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Speaker Information
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M.A. Daza
Hospital Clínico Veterinario Complutense.
Madrid, Spain

MAIN : Original Study : Peritoneal Dialysis & Blood Gas Parameters
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