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Extraction of Heavy Metals
Diagnosis of Fish Disease
Stress & Infectious Disease
Cephalopod Pathology
Vitamins & Antibiotics
Epizootic of Mycotic Dermatitis
Epizootic of Seal Pox
Hemoblastic Response
Capture, Transport, Acclimation
Digenetic Trematodes
Seawater-Reared Salmon
Oral Dose of Virginiamycin
Vitamin C
Hand Rearing
Isolation of Vibrio
Marine Mammals
Dolphins, Men & Gods
Open Lesions
Chronic Nitrite Exposure
Oral Doses of Copper
Potential Heavy Metal Influence
Dolphin IgG Determination
Sea Otter Pups
Laser-Aimed Dart Gun
Renal Function
Disposition of Animals
Seasonal Microbiology
Mycobacterial Disease
Ophthalmic Techniques
Hemopoietic Organs
Physiological Optics
Use of Azaperone
Tonic-Clonic Convulsions
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Ulcerative Mantle Disease
Uric Acid & Kidney Stones
Osteomyelitis in Dolphin
Volumetric Image Processing
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A Comparison of Techniques for the Extraction of Heavy Metals in Tissues
Extraction of Heavy Metals
Salvatore LaCognata
A Computer Aid to Differential Diagnosis of Fish Disease
Diagnosis of Fish Disease
Michael K. Stoskopf, DVM, PhD
A Discussion on the Interrelationship of Stress, Infectious Disease and Immunology in Bottlenose Dolphins
Stress & Infectious Disease
J. Pete Schroeder, DVM
A Synopsis of Cephalopod Pathology in Captivity
Cephalopod Pathology
John W. Forsythe
Administration of Vitamins and Antibiotics to Captive Fish and Marine Mammals Using a Laser-Aimed Underwater Dart Gun
Vitamins & Antibiotics
Brian Harvey
An Epizootic of Mycotic Dermatitis in Cultured Dwarf African Clawed Frogs (
Hymenochirus curtipes
Epizootic of Mycotic Dermatitis
Joseph M. Groff
An Epizootic of Seal Pox in Pinnipeds at a Rehabilitation Center
Epizootic of Seal Pox
Barkley E. Hastings
An Undifferentiated Hemoblastic Response in an Angel Shark (
Squatina dumerili
Hemoblastic Response
Michael K. Stoskopf, DVM, PhD
Capture, Transport and Acclimation of Beluga Whales (
Delphinapterus leucas
): Hematological and Serological Evaluation
Capture, Transport, Acclimation
Michael K. Stoskopf, DVM, PhD
Course of Therapy Utilized in a California Sea Lion with Blastomycosis
Terry Samansky
Digenetic Trematodes as Possible Etiologic Agent for Fibropapillomas in Hawaiian Green Turtles (
Chelonia mydas
Digenetic Trematodes
Murray D. Dailey, PhD
Diseases of Seawater-Reared Salmon in Washington State
Seawater-Reared Salmon
Michael L. Kent
Estimation of an Effective Oral Dose of Virginiamycin to Control Hatchling Alligator Syndrome (HAS)
Oral Dose of Virginiamycin
D. K. Peters
Field Efficacy of Vitamin C for Prevention of Enteric Septicemia of Catfish
Vitamin C
Ruth Francis-Floyd, DVM, MS, DACZM
Hand-Rearing and Medical Treatment of Orphaned Phocid Pups
Hand Rearing
Laurie J. Gage, DVM
Hyperthermia in the Neonatal Harbor Seal
Debra J. Vandenbroek
Neyland A. Vedros, PhD
Isolation of
Vibrio vulnificus
from Internal Organs of a Suddenly Expired Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin
Isolation of Vibrio
J. Pete Schroeder, DVM
Marine Mammals: A Barometer to Human Disease?
Marine Mammals
Thomas L. Deardorff, PhD
Of Dolphins, Men and the Gods
Dolphins, Men & Gods
Robert L. Jenkins
Of Dolphins, Men, and Gods
Robert L. Jenkins
Open lesions in San Francisco Bay Striped Bass(
Morone saxatilis
) Caused by the Metacestode (
Lacistorhynchus dollfusi
Open Lesions
Mike Moser
Pathology of Sublethal Chronic Nitrite Exposure in Channel Catfish (
Ictalurus punctatus
Chronic Nitrite Exposure
M. H. Beleau, DVM, MS
Physiological Changes Produced by Oral-Doses of Copper with Zinc or Arsenic in the Marine Teleost (
Lagodon rhomboides
Oral Doses of Copper
Paul T. Cardeilhac, DVM, PhD
Potential Heavy Metal Influence on the Death of Several Species of Pinnipeds
Potential Heavy Metal Influence
Anna van Heeckerman, BS
Quantification of Dolphin IgG Using Field-Use Radial Immunodiffusion Kit
Dolphin IgG Determination
Jay C. Sweeney, VMD
Raising and Rehabilitation of Sea Otter Pups
Sea Otter Pups
P. Quinn-Gawlowski
Remote Intramuscular Injection of Immobilizing Drugs into Fish Using a Laser-Aimed Underwater Dart Gun
Laser-Aimed Dart Gun
Brian Harvey
Renal Function, A Possible Indicator of Stress in Dolphins
Renal Function
Harold R. Parker
Roundtable: Disposition of Aquatic Animals
Disposition of Animals
Michael K. Stoskopf, DVM, PhD
Seasonal Microbiological Survey of Otters and Water System at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Seasonal Microbiology
K. T. MacKnight
Suspected Mycobacterial Disease in Grey Seals and Harbor Seals
Mycobacterial Disease
Michael K. Stoskopf, DVM, PhD
The Application of Ophthalmic Techniques for Diagnosing Eye Diseases in Fishes
Ophthalmic Techniques
Edward J. Noga, DVM
The Hemocytes and Hemopoietic organs of a Penaeid Shrimp (
Penaeus vannamei
Hemopoietic Organs
Raymond F. Sis, DVM, PhD
The Physiological Optics and Ocular Anatomy of the Sea Otter
Physiological Optics
C. J. Murphy
The Use of Azaperone in the Spiny Dogfish (
Squalus acanthias
Use of Azaperone
Patricia J. Latas
Tonic-Clonic Convulsions in California Sea Lions
Tonic-Clonic Convulsions
Debra J. Vandenbroek
Transitional Cell Carcinoma in California Sea Lions (
Zalophus californianus
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Janette Roletto
Treatment of Ulcerative Mantle Disease Due to
spp. in
Octopus dofleini
Octopus bimaculoides
with Oxytetracycline
Ulcerative Mantle Disease
Michael K. Stoskopf, DVM, PhD
Uric Acid and Dolphin Kidney Stones (1987)
Uric Acid & Kidney Stones
Sam H. Ridgway, DVM, PhD
Vertebral and Intradiskal Osteomyelitis in an Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin (
Tursiops truncatus
Osteomyelitis in Dolphin
J. W. Alexander, DVM, MS, DACVS
Volumetric Image Processing for Three-Dimensional Display of the Skeletal Anatomy of the Sea Otter (
Enhydra lutris
Volumetric Image Processing
Michael K. Stoskopf, DVM, PhD
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