: Fish Health & Medicine
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Front Matter
Avian Health & Medicine
Case Reports
Fish Health & Medicine
Aquatic Microbial Ecology
Microcystin Exposure in Tilapia
Epidemic Streptococcosis in Rays
Diflubenzuron & Caligoid Copepods
IMUNO-2865 Supplementation
Freshwater Algal Toxins
Fishzilla Goes to Washington
Barotrauma & Swim Bladder Deflation
Monogenes in Eagle Rays
Submandibular Mass in Flounder
Mesomycetozoea in Tetras
Microbes & Aquarium
Thromboxane Production & Carprofen
Treatment of Eimeria southwelli
Rising Tide Conservation Initiative
Management of Blacknose Sharks
Invertebrate Health & Medicine
Management & Education
Marine Mammal
Novel Techniques
Office of Naval Research
One Health
Pathology, Immunology & Toxicology
Poster Session
Sea Turtle Health & Medicine
Fish Health & Medicine
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Aquatic Microbial Ecology as a Driving Health Factor in an Aquarium Population of Cownose Rays (
Rhinoptera bonasus
Aquatic Microbial Ecology
James G. Johnson, III
Clinical Signs and Liver Pathology Associated with Microcystin-LR Exposure in Tilapia,
Microcystin Exposure in Tilapia
Stephen A. Smith
Clinicopathological Features of Epidemic Streptococcosis in Captive Rays
Epidemic Streptococcosis in Rays
Michelle M. Dennis
Diflubenzuron as an Effective Treatment of Caligoid Copepods in a 20,800 m
Seawater Mixed-Species Exhibit with
Diflubenzuron & Caligoid Copepods
Komsin Sahatrakul
Effects of IMUNO-2865® Supplementation on Oxidative Stress Parameters in the Blood of Sea Bream (
Sparus aurata
Linnaeus, 1758) in Aquaculture
IMUNO-2865 Supplementation
Ivan Župan
Fast and Accurate Detection of Freshwater Algal Toxins in Fish Tissues Using LC/MS
Freshwater Algal Toxins
Lisa A. Murphy, VMD, DABT
Fishzilla Goes to Washington: The Northern Snakehead (
Channa argus
) and Associated Fish Pathogens in the Potomac River System
Fishzilla Goes to Washington
Christine L. Densmore
Lesions Associated with Barotrauma and Swim Bladder Deflation by Fizzing in Wild Basses (
Barotrauma & Swim Bladder Deflation
Christopher Scala
Management of Monogenes in Eagle Rays (
Aetobatus narinari
) with High Dose Oral Praziquantel
Monogenes in Eagle Rays
Natalie D. Mylniczenko
Management of Submandibular Mass in a Gulf Flounder (
Paralichthys albigutta
Submandibular Mass in Flounder
Lauren N. Smith
Mesomycetozoea in Cardinal Tetras (
Paracheirodon axelrodi
) and Green Neon Tetras (
Paracheirodon simulans
Mesomycetozoea in Tetras
Lori S.H. Westmoreland
Microbes and the Aquarium
Microbes & Aquarium
M. Andrew Stamper, DVM, DACZM
Pharmacokinetics and Effects on Thromboxane Production by Cownose Ray (
Rhinoptera bonasus
) Whole Blood Cells Following a Single Intramuscular Injection of Carprofen
Thromboxane Production & Carprofen
Cara L. Field
Successful Treatment of
Eimeria southwelli
in a Cownose Ray (
Rhinoptera bonasus
) Using Oral Copper Wire Particles
Treatment of Eimeria southwelli
Elsburgh O. Clarke, III
The Rising Tide Conservation Initiative: Updates from the University of Florida
Rising Tide Conservation Initiative
Roy P.E. Yanong
The Trials (and Errors) of Learning About a New Species: Veterinary Management of Blacknose Sharks (
Carcharhinus acronotus
Management of Blacknose Sharks
Julie M. Cavin
: Fish Health & Medicine