Non-Surgical Control of Intra Abdominal Abscesses in Tursiops truncatus
IAAAM Archive
M.T. Walsh, DVM; D.O. Beusse, DVM; J.D. Lynch, DVM

Intra abdominal abscesses related to the reproductive tract were found with sonogram in two adult female Tursiops truncatus exhibiting anorexia and elevated white counts. One dolphin's abscess appeared to be related to a vaginal tear acquired at the time of delivery while the origin of the second animal's mass could not be determined. The abscesses were aspirated as directed by sonogram and cultured aerobically and anaerobically. Staphylococcus species were recovered from 1 dolphin while the other yielded clostridium specie. Caseation of both abscesses necessitated placement of a modified waterproof endotracheal tube into the abscess which allowed access to the interior material. Every 2-3 days a bronchoscope with an attached waterpick was introduced and the caseous debris was gradually reduced and removed. One animal has had one reoccurrence of symptoms in 19 months time. The second individual's mass is located in the pelvic inlet and is currently under treatment at the time of abstract submission.

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Michael T. Walsh, DVM
SeaWorld of Florida
Orlando, FL, USA

MAIN : Clinical Reports : Intra Abdominal Abscesses
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