Gary L. Hendrickson, BS, MS, PhD; Annelise Carleton, BS
Ceratomyxa shasta is a myxozoan parasite of salmonid fishes. It was
first observed in hatchery rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in Shasta County, California
in 1948 (Wales and Wolf 1955). Noble (1950) described C. shasta as a new species noting
that it was the only freshwater species and the only histozoic parasite in the genus. The life
history of C. shasta is poorly understood. Noble (1950) and others described trophozoite
and spore stages. Yamamoto and Sanders (1979) examined development in the fish host
ultrastructurally. Little is known about stages off of the fish host. Natural transmission of
C. shasta occurs when salmonids come in contact with water containing the infective
stage. Exposure for a period of 30 minutes is sufficient for transmission (Johnson 1975) and one
infectious unit is capable of causing death of one susceptible fish (Ratliff 1983). Direct fish
to fish transmission has never been observed.
Ceratomyxa shasta produces devastating disease in susceptible
salmonids. Ceratomyxosis has caused significant losses among hatchery salmonids both before and
after release (Rucker et al. 1954, Wales and Wolf 1955, Conrad and DeCew 1966, Schafer 1968,
Sanders et al. 1972, Zinn et al. 1977, Buchanan et al. 1983) and among wild salmonids (Sanders
et al. 1.970, Ratliff 1981). In anadromous salmonids, ceratomyxosis is thought to contribute to
prespawning mortalities in infected adults (Sanders et al. 1970, Johnson et al. 1979, Horsch, C.
1986, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Coleman National Fish Hatchery, Anderson, California,
personal communication). Ceratomvxa shasta is also thought to inhibit the ability of
juveniles to osmoregulate in seawater after outmigration (Ching and Munday 1984b). Fryer (1986)
suggested that as many as 12% of salmonids entering the Columbia River estuary were lethally
infected with C. shasta. The devastating nature of ceratomyxosis is sufficiently
documented that 14 states (of 20 specifying particular diseases), the Canadian government, Great
Lakes Fishery Commission, and Colorado River Fish Disease Control Program have classified it as
a certifiable disease (Busch 1980).
Development of the parasites takes place primarily in the gastrointestinal
tract. Pathology is severe but variable 0 according to the species involved. In juvenile rainbow
trout at 17 C, the infection is initiated in the pyloric caeca. Trophozoites first appear
between mucosal cells at about three days postexposure (PE) (Johnson 1975). About 13 days PE,
parasites spread into the mucosa of the posterior intestine and subsequently to all intestinal
layers. The posterior intestine becomes swollen and hemorrhagic.
There is a generalized inflammation of the lamina propria, muscle necrosis
and edema (Johnson 1975). Trophozoites and spores can be found in mucosa and lumen of the
pyloric caeca and posterior intestine. Intestinal contents are mucoid and caseous material lines
the abdomen and area around the pyloric caeca (Conrad and DeCew 1966). Liver, gall bladder,
spleen, gonads, kidney, heart, gills, and skin may also be affected (Wales and Wolf 1955, Conrad
and DeCew 1966). Adult chinook salmon frequently exhibit nodules on the gut which may perforate
resulting in death. Gross lesions may occur in the liver, kidney, spleen, and musculature (Wood
1974). Adult coho usually show grossly thickened intestinal and pyloric caecal walls. Large
abscessed lesions may occur in the musculature (Wood 1974).
Three features concerning C. shasta are of prime concern to management of
anadromous salmonids. First, only certain waters contain the infective stage of the parasite
(Johnson 1975, Sanders et al. 1970, Johnson et al. 1979, Hoffmaster 1985). Infectivity is
demonstrated by exposure of susceptible fish and later examination for the parasite. Other
waters contain infected salmonids but lack the infective stage. Fish in such waters are assumed
to have contacted the parasite while migrating through "infective waters." The reason
for the limited distribution of the infective stage is unknown. Second, salmonid species and
strains vary widely in their susceptibility to C. shasta (Schafer 1968F Johnson 1975,
Zinn et al. 1977, Ratliff 1981, Buchanan et al. 1983, Ching 1984, Ching and Munday 1984b,
Hoffmaster 1985). Within a species (e.g., rainbow trout) susceptibility may vary from highly
susceptible to completely resistant. When susceptible fish are stocked in waters containing the
infective stage, most die. Hemmingsen et al. (1986) and Wade (1986) found that when susceptible
and resistant strains of coho salmon and steelhead, respectively, were crossed, progeny were
intermediate in susceptibility. Third, the infection process is apparently seasonal in that
infective waters are not necessarily infective throughout the year (Schafer 1968 Johnson 1975,
Ratliff 1981, Ching and Munday 1984a).
There is no known treatment for ceratomyxosis hence prevention and
management are paramount. Management involves stocking resistant species or strains wherever
waters are known to harbor the infective stage and releasing fish during periods of low or no
infectivity. The objectives of this study are to determine the geographic distribution and
seasonal occurrence of the infective stage of Cexatomyxa shasta in California. Further
studies are being carried out to examine the relative susceptibilities of anadromous salmonid
strains. Such information is essential to management of resident and anadromous salmonids.
Geographic Distribution
The geographic distribution of the infective stage of C. shasta was
determined using sentinel fish. Caged sentinels were stocked into test rivers and were left for
ten to fourteen days to allow for infection to take place. Sentinels were then returned to the
Humboldt State University, Telonicher Marine Laboratory or the California Department of Fish and
Game, Fish Disease Laboratory for rearing. Sentinels were reared for 70 days or until
ceratomyxosis was diagnosed. This rearing period allowed for development of the characteristic
spores of Ceratomyxa shasta.
The infective stage of C. shasta is limited to the mainstem of the
Klamath River, mainstem of the Sacramento River, and some major tributaries of the Sacramento
River including the Mokelumne River, Feather River, and Butte Creek. Coastal rivers (Smith,
Prairie Creek, Redwood Creek, Mad, Eel, Mattole, Ten-Mile, Noyo, Big, Gualala, Navarro, Russian)
lack the infective stage.
The geographic distribution of the infective stage of C. shasta in
California is limited. The reasons for this limited distribution are unknown. The
"patchy" distribution of the infective stage might reflect the distribution of an
intermediate host as has been suggested for the related Myxosoma cerebralis (Markiw and
Wolf 1983).
Seasonal Distribution
Field exposures to determine the seasonal occurrence of the infective
stage of Ceratomvxa shasta were carried out in the Klamath River at Klamath Glen during
the winter of 1986-1987. Caged sentinels were placed in the river for ten days at ten day
intervals. Following exposure, sentinels were brought to the Humboldt State University,
Telonicher Marine Laboratory for rearing. Sentinels were reared for 70 days or until
certomyxosis was diagnosed.
During winter 1986, the Klamath River was infective up to and including the
exposure interval from December 5-15. At this time, water temperature was 7 C. The river was not
infective until spring 1987. Sentinels were first infected during the exposure interval from
April 9-20 at a water temperature of 15 C.
Schafer (1968), Johnson (1975), Ratliff (1981) and Ching and Munday (1984a)
also found lack of infectivity during winter. However, it seems likely that in "warm
water" years, fish could be infected at any time.
1. Buchanan, D.V., J.E. Sanders, J.L. Zinn, and J.L. Fryer. 1983.
Relative susceptibility of four strains of summer steelhead to infection by Ceratomyxa shasta
Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 112:541-543.
2. Busch, R.A. 1980. Current status of fish health protection
regulations in North America. Fourth Biennial Workshop, Fish Health Section of the American
Fisheries Society, June 24-26, 1980, Seattle, Washington.
3. Ching, H.L. 1984. Comparative resistance of Oregon (Big Creek)
and British Columbia (Capilano) juvenile chinook salmon to the myxozoan pathogen Ceratomyxa
shasta after laboratory exposure to Fraser River water. Can. J. Zool. 62:1423-1424.
4. Ching, H.L. and D.R. Munday. 1984a. Geographic and seasonal
distribution of the infectious stage of Ceratomyxa shasta Noble, 1950, a myxozoan salmonid
pathogen in the Fraser River system. Can. J. Zool. 62:1075-1080.
5. Ching, H.L. and D.R. Munday. 1984b. Susceptibility of six
Fraser chinook salmon stocks to Ceratomvxa shasta and the effects of salinity on ceratomyxosis.
Can. J. Zool. 62:1081-1083.
6. Conrad, J.F. and M. DeCew. 1966. First report of Ceratomyxa in
juvenile salmonids in Oregon. Prog. Fish-Cult. 28:238.
7. Fryer, J.L. 1986. Epidemiology and control of infectious
diseases of salmonids in the Columbia River Basin. U.S. Department of Energy, Bonneville Power
Administration, Div. of Fish and Wildl., Contract No. DE-Al79-83BP11987, Project No. 83-312.
Annual Report for 1986. 43 p.
8. Hemmingsen, A.R., R.A. Holt, R.D. Ewing, and J.D. McIntyre.
1986. Susceptibility of progeny from crosses among three stocks of coho salmon to infection by
Ceratomyxa shasta Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 115:492-495.
9. Hoffmaster, J.L. 1985. Geographic distribution of Ceratomyxa
shasta in the Columbia River Basin and susceptibility of salmonid stocks. M.S. Thesis, Oregon
State University, Corvallis. 57 p.
10. Johnson, K.A. 1975. Host susceptibility, histopathologic, and
transmission studies on Ceratomyxa shasta, a myxosporidan parasite of salmonid fish. Ph.D.
Dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis. 134 p.
11. Johnson, K.A., J.E. Sanders and J.L. Fryer. 1979. Ceratomyxa shasta
in salmonids. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Fish Dis. Leafl. No. 58. Washington, DC. 11 p.
12. Markiw, M.E. and K. Wolf. 1983. Myxosoma cerebralis (Myxozoa:
Myxosporea) etiological agent of salmonid whirling disease requires tubificid worm (Annelida:
Oligochaeta) in its life cycle. J. Protozool. 30:561-564.
13. Noble, E.R. 1950. On a myxosporidian (protozoan) parasite of
California trout. J. Parasitol. 36:457-460.
14. Ratliff, D.E. 1981. Ceratomyxa shasta: Epizootiology in chinook
salmon of central Oregon. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 110:507-513.
15. Ratliff, D.E. 1983. Ceratomvxa shasta: Longevity, distribution,
timing and abundance of the infective stage in central Oregon. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.
16. Rucker, R.R., B.J. Earp, and E.J. Ordal. 1954. Infectious diseases
of Pacific salmon. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 83:297-312.
17. Sanders, J.E., J.L. Fryer, and R.W. Gould. 1970. Occurrence of the
myxosporidan parasite Ceratomvxa shasta, in salmonid fish from the Columbia River basin and
Oregon coastal streams, p. 133-141. In S.F. Snieszko (ed.) A Symposium on Diseases of Fishes and
Shellfishes. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. 5. Bethesda, MD.
18. Sanders, J.E., J.L. Fryer, D.A. Leith, and K.D. Moore. 1972. Control
of the infectious protozoan Ceratomvxa shasta by treating hatchery water supplies. Prog.
Fish-Cult. 34:13-17.
19. Schafer, W.E. 1968. Studies on the epizootiology of the myxosporidan
Ceratomvxa shasta Noble. Calif. Fish and Game. 54:90-99.
20. Wade, M.G. 1986. The relative effects of Ceratomvxa shasta on
crosses of resistant and susceptible stocks of summer steelhead. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State
University, Corvallis. 19 P.
21. Wales, J.H. and H. Wolf. 1955. Three protozoan diseases of trout in
California. Calif. Fish and Game 41:183-187.
22. Wood, J.W. 1974. Diseases of Pacific salmon. Their prevention and
treatment. 2nd edition. State of Washington, Department of Fisheries, Hatchery Division,
Olympia, Washington. 73 pages.
23. Yamamoto, T. and J.E. Sanders. 1979. Light and electron microscopic
observations of sporogensis in the myxosporida, Ceratomvxa shasta (Noble, 1950). J. Fish. Dis.
24. Zinn, J.L., K.A. Johnson, J.E. Sanders, and J.L. Fryer. 1977.
Susceptibility of salmonid species and hatchery strains of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus
tshawytscha) to infections by Ceratomyxa shasta. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 34:933-936.