M. H. Beleau1,2; R. Francis-Floyd1,2; J. T.
In the last 15 years the channel catfish industry has experienced
phenomenal growth as an aquaculture commodity. Annual production has increased from less than
2,750,000 kg in 1970 to over 90,080,000 kg in 1985 with 80% of the industry located in
Mississippi. Commercial fish losses due to various diseases exceeded $10,000,000 in 1985,
emphasizing the importance of fish health management programs. The fish disease diagnostic
laboratory at the Delta Branch Experiment Station was presented with 1672 cases in 1985. Current
methods of catfish disease treatment and management are discussed.
The Industry
Farm-raised channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) is the fastest
growing industry in Mississippi, employing over 4,000 people with a payroll in excess of
$40,000,000. Mississippi currently has 30,350 ha committed to channel catfish production
accounting for eighty percent of the acreage and 907 of the U.S. production. Land and water is
available to support a total of 200,000 ha in this state alone. The processing plants in
Mississippi dominate the industry by processing over 95% of the catfish sold in the U.S. In
1985, this amounted to 90,080,000 kg of farm-raised fish. The two major catfish feed mills will
produce approximately 250,000 metric tons of catfish feed in 1986. With feed conversion 1.7:1 to
2.0:1, over 125,000 metric tons of fish will be produced.
Most commercial catfish production in the U.S. is accomplished in 8 ha
rectangular earthen ponds 1.2 m deep. The majority of farms range in size from 30 to 260 ha with
some over 1600 ha. Initial investment costs for land, wells and pond construction are
approximately $6,000/ha. The ponds are filled with agricultural well water and the only addition
of water is to replace that lost to evaporation.
Fingerling production is accomplished in hatcheries or by "wild
spawning" brood fish in open ponds. Brood females reach maturity at 3 years of age and
produce 1300-1800 eggs/kg body weight. Eggs batch in 8 days and the fry begin eating 3 days
later. Seines are used to harvest large fish and the ponds are not drained. As large fish are
removed, smaller stocker fish are added as replacements. Harvest is year-round although most of
the fish growth occurs when water temperatures are near 30°C. Annual production of 4000
kg/ha is common although some ponds exceed 7000 kg/ha.
At the high stocking densities found in commercial catfish production, the
fish are dependent on the feed provided by the farmer. The feed consists of a high protein (32%)
formulated ration of corn, soybeans, wheat, millett, fish meal and various vitamin and mineral
packs. It is produced by an extrusion process which gives it the appearance of dry dog food and
makes it float.
The current trend toward health, diet and exercise is unmistakable in our
society today and corresponds to the increase in consumption of fish in the U.S. The per capita
consumption of farm-raised catfish is currently 0.23 kg/year, or one-tenth of the total per
capita consumption of all fish portions, steaks and fillets. Market projections show these
figures possibly doubling in the next three years, further indicating a strong growth potential
for the channel catfish industry.
The Problems
Production of channel catfish is similar TO intensive production schemes
used for other food animal industries. Successful management requires a constant effort and is
labor intensive, not unlike commercial dairy production. Crowding (heavy stocking rates) and
high-feeding rates result in stress to the animal and to the production system. Each channel
catfish pond represents a unique ecosystem which must be treated as an individual unit.
Struggles to balance maximum production with minimum pollution and stress become the basis of
day-to-day management.
Large amounts of feed and high stocking rates result in the release of large
amounts of nutrients into the water producing a eutrophic system, dense algal blooms can produce
rapid fluctuations in dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide and pH. Various environmental changes may
result in rapid changes in concentrations of potentially toxic nitrogen compounds. A manager
must avoid accumulations of toxic compounds as his ability to flush toxins from the pond is
negligible because of the large pond volume.
In addition to water quality a manager must monitor the fish closely to
prevent uncontrollable disease outbreaks. Individual fish are not available for observation or
handling. The process of "topping", which is the addition of young fish (fingerlings)
to replace older fish which are harvested, results in a continuous mixing of fish populations
and age classes. Fish stocked into a pond may introduce a disease agent or may be susceptible to
an organism endemic to the environment or resident fish population. Either situation can result
in serious losses should a disease outbreak occur.
Specific problems encountered by catfish producers become of greater or
lesser importance at different times of the year. During a twelve-month period the environment
changes dramatically as numerous factors interact. The fish themselves, being ectothermic
animals, experience marked changes in metabolic rate and immunocompetence at different times of
the year. Not surprisingly, many disease entities are seasonal with spring and fall being of
particular concern as the environment and the fish are in a state of flux at these times. A
brief overview of production problems and economically important diseases are presented for each
of the four seasons.
Spring (March through June)
Water temperatures are changing with a consistent warming trend
predominating. Warmer water results in increased metabolic rates and consequent increased
activity by fish. Feeding activity increases resulting in an increase in nitrogenous wastes
entering the system. Bacterial flora must adapt to these changes to prevent accumulations of
toxic ammonia and/or nitrites. By mid-April it may be warm enough for producers to begin
sporadic night-oxygen checks of their ponds.
Farm activity increases as personnel must be available for regular feeding
of each pond and night work to monitor dissolved oxygen levels. Spawning season involves
increased attention to broodstock husbandry and careful monitoring of spawning containers so
that egg masses can be collected and brought into the hatchery. Hatchery operation is complex
and personnel must be on hand 24 hours. This is a labor intensive process which requires
constant shifting of personnel from brood ponds to hatchery to nursery ponds. Successful fry
production is essential for a large producer to have sufficient numbers of fish to stock his
ponds for the coming year.
Economically significant disease problems which occur in the spring include:
methemoglobinemia, Enteric Septicemia of Catfish (ESC), proliferative gill disease, anemia
("white lip disease"), Icthyopthirius multifiliis (Ich), and miscellaneous
parasitic problems.
Methemoglobinemia ("brown blood disease") is caused by a
population imbalance of the nitrogenous bacteria Nitrosomas sp. and Nitrobacter sp resulting in
accumulation of nitrite. Nitrite crosses the gill epithelium, enters the red blood cell and
complexes with hemoglobin to form methemoglobin. The net result is a decreased oxygen carrying
capacity of the blood. The presence or absence of fish mortality is dependent upon the percent
methemoglobin present and the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the pond.
Enteric Septicemia of Catfish (ECS) is a bacterial disease caused by
Edwardsiella ictaluri. Disease occurs as water temperatures move through the 22° to
28°C range. A controversy exists as to whether or not the bacterium is an obligatory
pathogen but there is no doubt as to its economic impact. In 1985, fish mortality attributed to
ESC alone was estimated at $2,000,000, and the disease represented more than 50% of the 1672
cases seen at the diagnostic lab at the Delta Branch Experiment Station in Stoneville, MS. Early
diagnosis is essential as affected fish rapidly develop anorexia.
Proliferative gill disease ("hamburger gill disease") and catfish
anemia ("white lip disease") are two disorders of undetermined etiology which
frustrate catfish producers and fish health specialists alike. An unidentified organism has been
consistently associated with gill pathology seen in proliferative gill disease. Mortality due to
the disorder can approach 100% within an affected pond. Flypertrophy and necrosis of gill tissue
result in respiratory distress and death due to anoxia. Channel catfish affected with
"white lip disease" develop profound anemia and picked cell volumes as low as 1% are
not uncommon. Mortality within a pond is variable. A multiplicity of factors have been
implicated in development of the disease but most are currently considered speculative.
Ichthyopthirius multifiliis ("Ich") is a large ciliated protozoan with a
complex life cycle. It can infest skin and gills; spreads rapidly and mortality within a pond
can be very high. "Ich" can be easily transferred from pond to pond by fomites (i.e.,
nets, treatment boats, boots) and by predators (i.e., birds, raccoons, dogs). An outbreak can
quickly affect an entire farm. Treatment is expensive, labor intensive and not always effective.
A diagnosis of "Ich" on a catfish farm is truly an emergency situation.
Summer (July through September)
Hot summer weather contributes to two environmental problems which,
although not specific disease entities, may represent two of the most important problems which
affect catfish production. Warm water temperatures are optimal for catfish growth and feeding
rates of >3% body weight per day are common. Fish in a 8 ha pond may be fed 500 kg of feed
daily. These high feeding rates result in rapid eutrophication and dense algal growth. The warm
water is unable to hold sufficient dissolved oxygen in solution to support fish and algal
respiration when photosynthesis is not taking place. Consequently at night and during cloudy
weather, emergency aeration becomes mandatory to prevent fish kills due to anoxia. Dissolved
oxygen must be monitored at least every 2 hours in each pond every night and this becomes an
expensive, labor intensive process which begins in April and continues through October.
Algal blooms, particularly blue-green algae, flourish in nutrient rich
catfish ponds and are implicated in the occurrence of "off-flavor". Up to 70% of all
catfish ponds may be "off-flavor" in August and September. A pond which is
"off-flavor" is a trite liability in that fish cannot be sold, but must be fed. The
longer a pond is "off-flavor" the greater the risk as fish growth compromises the
carrying capacity of a pond. Fish are crowded, environmental conditions may deteriorate and
stress increases. Such a situation is very conducive to disease outbreaks. Additionally, as fish
grow the feed conversion rate declines, and the return on a producer's investment decreases
Immunocompetence of channel catfish is optimal during warm summer weather.
Occurrence of infectious diseases declines unless fish are stressed by low oxygen, handling or
other factors. However, channel catfish virus disease (CCV), caused by a herpes virus, is a
disease of major concern during the summer months. Subclinically infected fingerlings may
"break" with this disease when stressed in hot weather, and mortality rates can be
Fall (October through December)
Decreasing temperatures favorably affect the oxygen carrying capacity of
large bodies of water and the need for emergency aeration subsides. Ponds which have been
"off-flavor" may come back "on" as the algae population changes. However,
fluctuating water temperatures adversely affect the fish's immune system (1) and the balance
among nitrifying bacteria within a pond.
A cold front can cause water temperature to drop sharply. Channel catfish
have been shown to lose T-cell function completely following a sudden drop in water temperature
(2). Concurrently the kinetics of the humoral DO levels associated with phytoplankton abundance
and increased standing crop due to fish growth (3). Since the nutrients being utilized by the
phytoplankton are ultimately derived from the feed, limiting feed reduces the algae blooms and
subsequent die off.
Channel catfish virus occurs primarily in fingerlings when water
temperatures are highest. Therefore, preventing the handling stress of moving fingerlings during
the middle of the summer is an effective control measure for the disease. The management
practice of setting minimum DO levels before operating emergency aeration equipment, especially
during Edwardsiella ictaluri season is an example of using stress reduction as a preventive
measure. The stress of nutritional inadequacy is avoided by providing the highest quality feed
available. Consequently, "broken back" disease, or vitamin C deficiency is rare.
The management practice of reducing standing crops during the fall months
not only reduces crowding stress for the winter months but also lowers the financial risk of
losing fish to untreatable winter diseases. The practice of not mixing populations of fish that
have had previous Edwardsiella outbreaks with populations with no prior exposure makes
Drugs cannot take the place of good management. However, the intensive
production conditions to which catfish are subjected are conducive to disease outbreak and when
it occurs, prompt therapeutic action can save the producer time and money. Mixed infections are
common, therefore, accurate diagnosis becomes essential for development of a logical treatment
protocol. Few drugs are legal or effective and improper use of an agent can further jeopardize
fish health.
For commercially produced channel catfish the only two routes of practical
drug administration are in the feed or in the water. Antibiotics are administered per os, via
the feed. Terramycin® (Pfizer), an oxytetracycline compound, has been the only legal
antibiotic available for use in channel catfish. A potentiated sulfonamide, Romet-30®
(Hoffmann-LaRoche) received full FDA clearance for use in channel catfish on May 23, 1986.
Terramycin® must be incorporated into sinking feed and a fish must eat 1.5% body weight
(BW) daily to achieve therapeutic drug levels. Romet-30® retains its activity when
subjected to high temperatures and, therefore, is available as a floating feed. This is
advantageous as feeding activity can be easily observed. In addition, therapeutic levels of
Romet-30® can be achieved by a fish eating only 0.5% BW per day. This is an important
consideration as fish affected by bacterial disease, particularly ESC, rapidly become
Ectoparasites are generally treated by using chemicals intended for algae
control. Copper sulfate (CuSO 4 ) can be applied as a prolonged bath and is effective against
ciliated protozoans like "Ich" and triophyra. However, the copper ion is toxic to fish
and water quality must be tested prior to use of the compound. In addition, the algicidal
properties will cause a drop in DO and emergency aeration is frequently necessary following its
use. Potassium permanganate (KMnO 4 ) can also be used as an ectoparasiticide and an external
fungicide. It has less deleterious effects on water quality but excessive treatment can be
lethal. Formalin is EPA approved for use in channel catfish ponds but is of little practical
value because of its expense and because of its property of chemically removing oxygen from the
Salt (NaC1) is used to increase the chloride ion concentration in catfish
ponds; a means of preventing methemoglobinemia as the chloride and nitrite ions compete for
receptor sites on the epithelial cell membranes which line the gills. Three to five parts
chloride to one part nitrite is usually sufficient for prevention of clinical brown blood
Training and Education
Education of producers allows for implementation of management practices
consistent with successful preventive medicine programs. Mississippi State University provides
an Extension Service which functions as a liaison between university scientists and the
producer-user group. Needs and concerns of producers are made known to researchers, and
scientific progress is presented to producers in a less-technical format. This exchange is
accomplished through publications, workshops, short-courses, and formal education. The most
recent innovation has been implementation of a post-DVM residency program in fish health
management by the College of Veterinary Medicine. It is hoped that the 12-month program will
equip veterinarians to provide full animal health care services to aquaculturists in the state.
The availability of veterinary specialists should help create a veterinary-client relationship
which will benefit individual farmers and the industry as a whole.
1. Collins, M. T., Dawe, D. L. and Gratzek, J. B. Immune response
of channel catfish under different environmental conditions. J. Am Vet Med Assn 169(9):991-994
2. Clem, L. W., Faulmann, E., Miller, N. W., Ellasaesser, C.,
Lobb, C. J. and Cucheus, M. A. Temperature-mediated processes in teleost immunity: differential
effects of in vitro and in vivo temperature on mitogenic responses of channel catfish
lymphocytes. Dev and Comp Immun 8:313-322 (1984).
3. Tucker, C. S. and Boyd, C. E. Water quality. In: Channel
Catfish Culture, C. S. Tucker (ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam. 1985, pp 161-163.