A Data Retrieval System for Cataloguing Cetacean Pathology: a Proposal
IAAAM Archive
J.F. Allen1, BA, VMD; Colonel F.M. Garner2
1Naval Undersea R & D Center, Kailua, HI; 2Pathology Division, AFI, Washington, DC

A computerized system is proposed to begin compiling information on cetacean pathology. Such information can be used to help advance the medical care of these marine mammals at the pace at which their popularity and bio-medical use is growing. The computer belongs to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and Colonel Garner, Chief of the Veterinary Pathology Division and Registrar of the Registry of Pathology will describe their program. As a base for this date bank a survey of the literature produced 266 references on cetacean pathology and this information is tabulated systematically. A clinical case history form that could be used to send information to

A.F.I.P. is suggested and a list of those institutions that maintain cetaceans in captivity is presented. Although the presentation deals with cetaceans, the memory bank could be used for all marine animal pathology. The major problem foreseen will be one of cooperation.

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J. F. Allen, BA, VMD

Colonel F. M. Garner

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