While not that long ago, we were happy to confirm dolphins' gestation with
the help of ultrasound, nowadays not knowing the correct delivery date can be the cause of some
practical problems. Indeed, many of our animals are part of daily demonstrations and special
organizations (like separation of the mother, setting of protection nets, night observations
etc.) are very important and time consuming management issues for such parks.
There are already several methods that can be used to try to determine the
delivery date as accurately as possible: visual observation of the sexual activity of the
animals, identification of the ovulation1,2,3; visual observation of physiological
changes towards the end of the gestation , such as swelling of the mammary glands, no appetite,
visible contractions, frequency of flexions4,5,6 or delivery prediction time based on
rectal temperature.7
Though the use of ultrasound as a diagnostic tool is not yet available in
all parks, delivery prediction based on sonographic measurements of the fetus has a major
advantage over other diagnostic methods in that the birth date can be estimated relatively
A linear growth model is seen when fetal measurements (head biparietal and
thoracic diameters) are presented in a graph against time.11,12 With the data of 11
gestations, in 7 animals, from dolphinarium Brugge in Belgium and Zoomarine, Portugal,
regression lines were established for the head and thoracic diameters (94 and 111 measurements
respectively) based on number of days before delivery, and an easy to use computer program for
delivery prediction was developed. All data were gathered through voluntary behaviour of the
In the second stage of the study, the program was tested, with four new
gestations at Zoomarine, to find out how accurate the prediction program was. In one case, the
calf was born on the exact predicted date.
In the third stage of the study, the accuracy of the prediction program was
tested using data from 9 gestations where the exact date of the conception--and the date of
delivery--were known. Interestingly enough, although these 9 animals were a different
sub-species, the exact delivery dates were also very close to the predicted date of the program
in several cases.
This work is ongoing and more data sets will be required before the
programme can be completed and tested more fully.
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