Approaches to Understanding the Effects of Environmental Challenges on the Cetacean Nervous and Immune Systems
Tracy A. Romano1; Mandy J. Keogh1; Eric Jensen2; George
Miller2; William Van Bonn2; Sam Ridgway2; David L. Felten3
Marine mammals both in the wild and those kept under human care are
exposed to environmental challenges, which may serve as stressors, potentially affecting the
animal's immune system. These challenges can include environmental pollutants such as oil,
industrial toxins, and noise, changes in water and air temperature, changes in housing
conditions, social interactions, transport, and novel training regimens. The above challenges
have been shown to cause activation of the autonomic nervous system and changes in immune
function in other mammals such as rodents, sheep, cattle, and humans.
Previous studies from our laboratory have shown evidence for a bidirectional
communication between the nervous and immune systems in cetaceans, with postganglionic nerve
fibers forming close associations with cells of the immune system in lymphoid organs; the
presence of beta adrenergic receptors on cetacean lymphocytes; and functional changes of
lymphocytes in vitro after exposure to neurotransmitters. Therefore, we have initiated studies
to investigate the potential effects of environmental challenges on autonomic nervous system
activation and immune function of marine mammals.
Navy cetaceans serve as a benchmark population to carry out these studies
given the extensive life history information we have on the animals, the ability to look at the
entire inventory which includes animals of all ages and both genders, and the proximity of the
research laboratory to the animals, allowing for quality control and immediate processing of the
Presently, we are gathering baseline data. Measurements include indicators
of nervous system activation and immune function. In addition we have initiated studies on the
effects of transport, exposure to cold water, loud noise, social interactions, and introduction
to novel environment on some animals. The same parameters are being measured for ill and
pregnant cetaceans with the hope of revealing additional parameters for clinical evaluation and
Future studies will focus on counteracting any adverse effects of challenges
by measuring the potential therapeutic effects of adrenergic agonists/antagonists, vaccines, and
immune system boosters, etc. Findings from these studies will not only help to maintain health
in Navy marine mammals but will also increase our understanding on the effects of environmental
challenges for marine mammals in the wild.
This work was supported by a grant from the Office of Naval Research
(N00014-00-1-0041). The authors wish to thank Lee Berk and Lily Tran (Loma Linda University),
Jeff Stott (UC Davis), Brett Davis (ARUP, Laboratories), Scott Steinert and Becky Streib Montee
(SPAWARSYSCEN), Rhonda Patterson and Bobby Middlebrooks (USM), Carolyn Schlundt Melka
(SPAWARSYSCEN), Lee Asnin and the hospital staff at SEARCH in Sitka, AK and the veterinary and
training staff of the Navy Marine Mammal Program.