#1 canine anxiety disorder seen in behavior practices; Potential for great financial cost; Most common in mixed breed dogs from shelters
Emotional state in animals; the subjective state of fear is presumed to exist; exhibit specific behavior, e.g., avoidance, crying signals that are typically associated with these behaviors. Normal behavior can be adaptive. Small dog who was attacked by big dog. Determine normality or abnormality by context
Fear reactions that are persistent, consistent, not adaptive, dog that is afraid of the phone ringing
Degrees of Phobia
Intense: Hysteria, catatonia, panic
Mild: Anxiety
What is Separation Anxiety?
General symptoms:
Inappropriate behaviors during owner absence
Often done within first 30 min.
Fear of separation from owner
May see in younger and older dogs
Change in schedule
Role of Attachment?
Assumption: Dogs with separation anxiety are hyperattached to their owners
Attachment: Emotional bond
Attachment Behaviors: Maintain spatial closeness
Vocalizations, maintaining proximity to owners, trying to follow owner through doors/windows
Dog Attachment Study
Separation anxiety questionnaire
Attachment test
30 min. home videotape
Previous history?
What behaviors exhibited?
When behaviors exhibited?
When behaviors started?
Behaviors follow patterns?
What does dog do when:
Owner prepares to leave?
Owner comes home?
While owner is away?
What has been done to correct the problem?
Occurs during owner absence:
Excessive vocalization
Inappropriate elimination
Other Symptoms
GI upset
Lack of activity ("depression")
Severe cases: Dogs will show symptoms while owner is in another room of house, or asleep
Before owner leaves:
Look anxious/"depressed"
Ears back
Head lowered
Follow owner around
Refuse to enter crate
Prevent owner from leaving
When owner returns home
Excessive greeting behavior
Long time to calm down
"Velcro dogs"
Behavioral Rule-Outs
Excessive Vocalization
External stimuli
Garbage truck
Dog barking
Neurological disorder
Behavioral Rule-Outs
Inappropriate elimination
Medical problems
Incomplete housetraining
Loss of housetraining
Urine marking
Management issues
Acute fear response
Arousal-related response
Behavioral Rule-Outs
External stimuli
Acute fear response
No appropriate objects to chew
Barrier frustration
Degree of Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is not all-or-nothing
Continuum of fear
Some dogs may have "anxieties" while others may have stronger "phobias"
Learning and Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety itself is based on fear
Learning involved as well
Classical conditioning of emotional responses to pre-departure cues
Keys, briefcase, security system, coat
Classical conditioning of emotional responses during owner's return
Classical Conditioning:
Pre-Departure Cues
Misuse of Punishment
Many owners punish their dogs after they arrive home
Delayed punishment not effective
Clinical test to diagnose separation anxiety?
Leaving dog alone in room does not seem to be diagnostic
Degree of whining may be indicator of separation anxiety if severity of behaviors is considered
Treatment: General Outline
Environmental modification
Behavior modification
Extinction of pre-departure cues
Graduated departures with safety cue
Pharmacological therapy
Treatment: Environmental Modification
Keep dog crated or confined if can be done safely
Start with door open
Reward whenever inside
Close door for gradually increasing amounts of time; reward when calm
Release from crate only when calm
Hide toys/treats inside
Treatment: Environmental Modification
Restrict access to items being destroyed
Rotate toys to maintain interest
Interactive toys
Treatment: Behavior Modification
During departures
Downplay event
During returns
Ignore dog until completely calm
Redirect into a "sit"
Relaxation training
Independence training
Treatment: Behavior Modification
Extinction of pre-departure cues
Treatment: Behavior Modification
Graduated Departures using Safety Cue
Safety Cue: Signal that tells dog that owner will return soon
Visual: flag, sign, blanket
Auditory: bell, whistle
Olfactory: potpourri spray
Owner acts as though leaving for work
Leave dog in place that owner would like dog to be able to stay when alone
Graduated Departures
Dog does not need to be completely calm when performing exercise
Warning! If use safety cue during actual departure, will lose efficacy
Determine how long dog can stay alone without showing full-blown symptoms (e.g., 30 sec)
Act as though going to work
Give safety signal and walk out for 30 sec
Return, remove signal (if visual), and allow dog to calm fully
Repeat at least 10 times
Dog should be calm upon departure and return
Treatment: Pharmacological
Clomipramine HCl (ClomicalmTM)
Tricyclic antidepressant
FDA-approved for separation anxiety in dogs
Extra-label medications with anxiolytic effects
e.g., Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline
Get Another Dog?
Another dog may solve problem
Since appears to be related to owner leaving, may not work
Remind Owners: In The Meantime...
What to do with dog until treatment starts working?
Crating/confining (if safe)
Pet sitter
Doggie day care
Take to work
Will depend on:
Duration of problem
Compliance of owners
Case Report: NICKY
5-year-old Fem German shepherd
Mónica and Raúl
Complaints: panic when owners left house, destructive when uncrated
When crated: defecated/urinated, moves crate/ trying to escape, barked, hypersalivated, chewed paws, exhausted
Previous history
Obtained at 7 weeks from breeder
Onset of behaviors
Around 6 months of age when female owner started new job
Previous treatments
Acepromazine (discontinued)
Crate training
Separation anxiety
Treatment (Separation Anxiety)
Independence training
Extinguish reaction to pre-departure cues
Gradual departures using safety cues
Alprazolam 1 tablet 0.25 mg before owner leaves and Clomipramine 1 tablet 25mg q 12h / 2 weeks
2 weeks: Departures with safety cue (potpourri spray)
Recommendation: decrease Alprazolam dosage to ½ tablet when owner leaves continue with Clomipramine 2 tablets 25mg q 12h
1 month: Owner had been out of town. Therapy program discontinued.
2 months: Graduated departures with safety cue, independence training Alprazolam- Clomipramine
3 months: Decrease Alprazolam dose to every other day and continue with Clomipramine as is. Continue independence exercises
4 months: Suspend Alprazolam continue with Clomipramine
4.5 months: Decrease Clomipramine to 25mg q 12 h and gradually taper Clomipramine treatment until suspended
Continue behavior modification treatment
5 months: Owners were satisfied with treatment
Final messages
Severe separation anxiety cases can be resolved
May take a while
Client complicity is essential
Minor relapses are possible-don't be discouraged!