Case Report: Fatal Ingestion of a Foreign Object by a Captive Atlantic Bottlenosed Dolphin
IAAAM 1983
J. Lowenstein; R. L. Jenkins; P.T. Cardeilhac
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville FL; Marineland of Florida,
St Augustine FL

On May 20, 1982, an adult male Atlantic Bottlenosed Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) suspected of ingestion of a foreign object was removed from the Circular Tank at Marineland of Florida. Tentative diagnosis was based on a past history of foreign object ingestion plus clinical signs of depression, anorexia, and pale mucous membranes.  On physical examination the dolphin was febrile with weight loss and a bloody feces noted.  Emesis was indicated and attempted utilizing mineral oil given via stomach tube.  The dolphin apparently went into shock following intubation and died.  A necropsy was performed and gastric lesions due to a 19 cm X 12 cm X 10 cm foreign object confirmed.  Necropsy and clinical values indicated a systemic disease was present.

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Joanne Lowenstein
Marineland of Florida
St. Augustine, FL

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