Effects of Two Polymeric Resins on Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in Marine Mammal Water
IAAAM 1981
Gary Adams; Stephen Spotte
Dept. of Mathematics & Physics, Thames Valley State Technical College, Norwich, CT; Sea Research Foundation, Inc., Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, Mystic, CT

Two Polymeric resins (XAD-2 and XAD-4) were tested for their efficacy in removing total organic carbon (TOC) from marine mammal pool water. At 588 mg XAD-2/1, TOC was reduced by approximately 10% after 4 days; 630 mg XAD-4/1 reduced TOC concentrations by approximately 12% in the same time period. Correlation coefficients were 0.96 and 0.965 for XAD-2 and XAD-4, respectively. Equilibrium was not approached in any of the experiments even after 4 days. The materials are ineffective in this application, although other ion exchange resins may perform better.

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Gary Adams

Stephen Spotte

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