Use of Synthroid® to Reduce and Prevent Goiter in Sharks
IAAAM 1979
John B. Sciarra
Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, Mystic, CT; Flint Laboratories, Davison of Travenol Laboratories, Inc., Deerfield, IL


A brief observational study was made to determine if Synthroid®, synthetic hormone, could reduce and prevent goiter in two species of elasmobranchs. Four sharks showing swelling in the pharyngeal region and one not, were injected intramuscularly with dosages of Synthroid from 0.2 - 0.45 mg arbitrarily according to estimated weights. Each of the sharks showing swelling were reduced or eliminated within weeks following treatment. The shark not showing swelling in the same system has not shown signs of developing goiter.


John Sciarra was not able to attend due to illness. Instead, Jim Kepley, the director of the soon-to-be-built Baltimore aquarium showed a movie on the proposed facilities. The aquarium should be completed by 1981.

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John B. Sciarra

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