Live Stranding of a Risso's Dolpin (Grampus griseus)
IAAAM 1978
Edward D. Asper; D.O. Buesse
Sea World, Orlando, FL

On December 31, 1977, a stranded Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) was transported to Sea World of Florida for diagnosis and treatment. Methods of examination included blood samples, blowhole cultures, vaginal and anal cultures, overall physical examination for injuries or any external problem areas, weight recorded and morphometric measurements taken. Parasites noted from blowhole discharge (identification pending). The primary diagnosis was lung flukes. Antibiotics and flukacide administered orally and I. M. The animal appeared to respond to initial treatment for parasites and is being continually monitored on a daily basis.

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D. O. Buesse

Edward D. Asper

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