Evaluation of Coagulation Parameters by Whole Blood Dynamic Viscoelastic Coagulometry in Three Healthy Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) in a Public Aquarium
Hemostasis pathways are influenced by several factors, including systemic diseases, inflammation and neoplasia. Thus, assessment of coagulation is of paramount importance for the evaluation of marine mammal health. Although coagulation parameters have been studied in some marine mammal species because of the high risk of disseminated intravascular coagulation,1-4 no data is available in walruses. The Sonoclot (Sienco Inc, Boulder, CO, USA) is a dynamic viscoelastic coagulometer for point-of-care coagulation and clot lysis testing.5
Three healthy adult walruses kept under human care were included. Blood was collected under operant conditioning from the gluteal vein. Whole blood coagulation was analyzed in the presence of a coagulation activator; glass beads (gb) for all walruses and kaolin clay (k) for one walrus. The Sonoclot signature, activated clot time (ACT), clot rate (CR), and platelet function (PF) were recorded.
The clotting time was longer with k than with gb in the pilot individual, as previously reported in Strigiformes.6 Therefore, gb was preferred for all individuals. Testing results were: 120, 133 and 150 seconds for gbACT; 12.4, 31 and 44 clot signal units/minute for gbCR and 0.9 and 3.2 for PF. In one walrus, PF was not measurable. Some of these values were different from the ranges reported in other mammals using Sonoclot,7,8 emphasizing the need for specific reference intervals.
This study suggests the use of dynamic viscoelastic coagulometry is feasible in walruses and that glass beads coagulation activators were appropriate. Further studies are needed to establish reference intervals in walruses.
The authors wish to thank the animal health technicians and trainers of the Aquarium du Québec for their dedication and help in the care of these walruses. This study was funded by Sienco, Inc. and by the Université de Montréal.
*Presenting author
+Student presenter
Literature Cited
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