Standardized Monitoring of Elasmobranch Health and Behavior: Creation of a Diagnostic Tool for Assessing Efficacy of Treatment
IAAAM 2023
Jillian M. Sawyna*; Sarah Miller; Melissa Paynter; Leah Neal
Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta, GA, USA


The expansion of industry capabilities for acquisition of underrepresented fish species incentivizes the need for a tailored behavioral and physiological monitoring program to ensure the success of proper welfare management. While zoo-specific software programs streamline data collection and offer a systematic mode of long-term behavioral monitoring, they are primarily catered toward terrestrial and/or mammalian species and fail to resolve many of the inherent challenges of quickly analyzing large amounts of data and reporting findings.1 To address this shortcoming in fish husbandry, a diagnostic tool was created to quantitatively track elements of elasmobranch behavior and physiology following a prescribed treatment. Eight behavioral and health categories, specific to the taxon under review, were identified and scored daily on a scale ranging from poor to excellent. For each score, specific criteria and definitions were used to standardize language for describing behavior among staff and eliminate subjective interpretation. Numbers assigned to the scoring system, along with weighted values allocated to the eight categories, then generated an overall daily score of fitness. The tool then utilized color coding to visually represent trends following treatment over time. Implementation of the tool led to more rapid intervention and nuanced management decisions due to its immediate presentation of deviations in pattern and trends correlated to or caused by treatment and covariates. Furthermore, the comprehensive and adaptable nature of the tool provided a template for assessing aquatic animal welfare and quality life.


The authors wish to thank Georgia Aquarium’s “Sharks! Predators of the Deep” husbandry staff for their significant contribution to data collection and the veterinary staff for their efforts in animal management.

Literature Cited

1.  Wark J. 2022. Power up: Combining behavior monitoring software with business intelligence tools to enhance proactive animal welfare reporting. Animals. 12:1606.


Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Jillian M. Sawyna
Georgia Aquarium
Atlanta, GA, USA

MAIN : Session 6: Behavior : Monitoring Elasmobranch Health & Behavior
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