Novel Isoflurane Induction and Maintenance in Sulcata Tortoises (Centrochelys sulcata)
ExoticsCon Virtual 2022 Proceedings
Barton C. Huber, DVM
Animal Medical Center of Corona, Corona, CA, USA

Session #2007


Anesthesia induction and maintenance in sulcata tortoises (Centrochelys sulcata), and other large chelonians, can be challenging at best. Historically these species require a tremendous volume of sedative and anesthetic agents making it extremely costly for the pet owner. As well as this issue, the sedative/anesthetic effects are quite variable, even in the same patient requiring multiple procedures. A system was devised to administer isoflurane to a sedated sulcata that was very safe and effective. This produced an inexpensive, reliable anesthesia protocol that was quickly reversible. A human nasal cannula was used, attached to a non-rebreathing circuit. Red rubber feeding tubes were attached to the two cannula ports then inserted about 3–5 cm into the nares of the patient. This procedure must be done in a well-ventilated area (outdoors) and/or surgical room with an exhaust system. This novel approach to anesthesia in large chelonians has been performed multiple times in several cases at the author’s facility.


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2.  Mader DR, Divers SJ. Current Therapy in Reptile Medicine & Surgery. Elsevier; 2014:137–138.


Speaker Information
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Barton C. Huber, DVM
Animal Medical Center of Corona
Corona, CA, USA

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