Welcome to the 41st Annual Conference of the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine. Our host, Marty Haulena, from the Vancouver Aquarium demonstrated his commitment to the organization in extraordinary ways. He was the visionary for the opening session this year featuring topics of local and international concern. We have 110 abstracts in the proceedings, comprised of 20 posters and 90 oral presentations, including 28 by students of various stripes (undergraduate, graduate, veterinary and post-doctoral students, and interns and residents).
Getting the conference together is a huge endeavor. The efforts of many people need to be acknowledged. The IAAAM board worked tirelessly to assure that things went smoothly. John Jones was critical to keeping members updated via modifications to the web page. Pam Tuomi handled finances like a CPA with the patience of a saint. The awards committee, Bill Van Bonn, Tom Reidarson, and Don Stremme worked with our president, Craig Harms to make sure that proper recognition was made to a member that has dedicated their career to advancing aquatics. Lisa Mazarro and Cindy Driscoll handled lots of questions about prior board meetings, membership status and how to register. Lisa Murphy eased students into professional life with kindness and understanding. The student program owes her a large debt of gratitude. The IAAAM board does a lot to make this meeting one heck of an event. I thank them for all that they did and all that they continue to do.
This year, we had so many submissions, that a team of 16 session chairs was needed to fill this role. That amounts to a lot of membership time and effort. Many thanks go to the session chairs: Aimee Berliner (Anatomy), Julie Tepper (Fish), Craig Harms & Lance Adams (Research), Stephanie Venn-Watson (Clinical Pathology), Sophie Dennison (Imaging), Chris Dold (Medicine), Joe Gaydos (Immunology & Toxicology), Hendrik Nollens (Virology), Katie Colegrove (Pathology), Lisa Mazzaro (Nutrition & Management), Lydia Staggs (Infectious Diseases), Bill van Bonn (Strandings), Freeland Dunker (Reproduction), Todd L. Schmitt (Techniques), and Genevieve Dumonceaux (Posters). The session chairs make sure that abstracts and presenters are in top form. They helped with the difficult questions related to abstract selection. They make the sessions happen and give the proceedings the polish that we all appreciate.
When all is said and done, I have one request for the membership. Each year, excellent presentations are delivered at this meeting. Now with the help of VIN, abstracts are available on line. This accessibility is a major step to getting aquatics information into the mainstream of veterinary medicine. I urge members to consider going one step further. It takes a lot of effort to produce a manuscript and a presentation. Please consider expanding that abstract and making a manuscript for peer review and publication.
Judy St. Leger
Program Chair and IAAAM President-Elect
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We suggest that you:
- Read the brief guide below to get the most from the IAAAM Congress 2010 Proceedings Online.
- Preview AND PRINT the notes for sessions you plan to attend at the conference.
When browsing the Proceedings online, you may use the Table Of Contents (Browse By Speaker and Browse By Category), in the left column, or the 'Previous' and 'Next' arrows found at the top and bottom of each article. The titles displayed in the Table of Contents may be abbreviated. To view a particular article, and the full article title, click the title of the presentation.
To search the Proceedings by topic, type a specific topic in the 'Search this Resource' box and click the 'Go' button.
The Speakers are listed alphabetically on the Speaker Index and Browse By Speaker pages. To see a list of presentations by each Speaker, click the Speaker's name.