Welcome to the 40th Annual Conference of the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine. Our hosts Les Dalton and Steve Osborn of SeaWorld San Antonio have been preparing diligently for our arrival since before last year’s meeting. We have 103 abstracts in the proceedings, comprised of 24 poster and 79 oral presentations, including 34 by students of various stripes (undergraduate, graduate, veterinary and post-doctoral students, and interns and residents).
Continuing the initiative of Tom Reidarson last year, our proceedings will be hosted on line by the Veterinary Information Network (VIN), with abstracts available for preview prior to the meeting. The American College of Zoological Medicine (ACZM) is again sponsoring our Continuing Education credits.
Many thanks are due to our session chairs, Eric Jensen (Applied Research), Michael Stoskopf (Therapeutics and Toxicology), Steve Smith (Management), Rhonda Patterson and Ruth Ewing (Immunology), Pam Govett and Suzanne Kennedy-Stoskopf (Posters), Stephanie Venn-Watson (Epidemiology), Beth Nolan (Case Reports), Cynthia Smith (Imaging), Stéphane Lair (Infectious and Parasitic Diseases), and Carmen Colitz (Ophthalmology).
President Tom Reidarson and Immediate Past President Don Stremme have been particularly helpful with their support, advice, and proceedings templates over the past year. In addition to our President and Immediate Past President, we are fortunate to have a diligent and dynamic Executive Board carrying out the functions of IAAAM in myriad ways, often unseen and with little recognition: Lisa Mazzaro (Secretary), Julius Tepper (Treasurer), Judy St. Leger (Membership, with able assistance from Pacifique Rugira), Fiona Brook (Education), and John Jones (Communications).
Craig Harms
Program Chair and IAAAM President-Elect
Special note: The IAAAM Conference Proceedings Archive is now complete. The archive contains proceedings from 1968 to 2009.
Enjoy the advantages of having your Conference Proceedings:
- available before you arrive.
- easily searchable by speaker, keyword, or full text.
- available to you anytime, anywhere that you have access to an internet connection.
For technical support please email feedback@VIN.com or, in North America, call 800-700-4636 (weekdays, 8 AM - 5 PM Pacific Time).
We suggest that you:
- Read the brief guide below to get the most from the IAAAM Congress 2009 Proceedings Online.
- Preview AND PRINT the notes for sessions you plan to attend at the conference.
When browsing the Proceedings online, you may use the Table Of Contents (Browse By Speaker and Browse By Category), in the left column, or the 'Previous' and 'Next' arrows found at the top and bottom of each article. The titles displayed in the Table of Contents may be abbreviated. To view a particular article, and the full article title, click the title of the presentation.
To search the Proceedings by topic, type a specific topic in the 'Search this Resource' box and click the 'Go' button.
The Speakers are listed alphabetically on the Speaker Index and Browse By Speaker pages. To see a list of presentations by each Speaker, click the Speaker's name.