M. Gomes de Soutello Charlier1; M. Gianfrancesco Filippi2; C. Hagy Girotto3; L.C. Vulcano1; A. Alfonso2; M.L. Lourenço2
The howler Alouatta guariba ssp. clamitans is a common species of monkey that habits the regions of Atlantic forest of Brazil. There is a high frequency of sudden death of cardiovascular origin in these animals in captivity, without, however, normal heart parameters of these animals.
This study aimed to evaluate the heart function of one neotropical primate (Alouatta guariba clamitans) maintained in captivity using radiography, electrocardiogram and Doppler echocardiography.
Ten adult healthy howler monkey (A. g. clamitans), four females and six males, weighing on average 6.34 kg were evaluated under general anesthesia. The parameters of heart function were evaluated by complementary exams. Vertebral heart score (VHS) were obtained from radiographs in ventrodorsal, dorsoventral and right lateral projections. Ejection fraction, shortening fraction of left ventricle, time of left ventricle ejection, left atrial/aortic root ratio, ascending aortic diameter, isovolumic relaxation time, e-point septal separation, peak velocity of pulmonary, mitral, tricuspid and aortic blood flow and other values were measured by Doppler echocardiography. Heart rate, mean electric axis of ORS complex, P, Q, R, S, T amplitude, P, PR interval, ORS complex, QT interval duration time and ST segment were measured by ECG.
Exam techniques were similar to the ones used in humans. Doppler echocardiographic, radiographic, electrocardiographic and clinical parameters of howler monkey were described and correlated.
The present results demonstrated the profiles of cardiovascular function examination and structure of the A. g. clamitans.