Motile Aeromonad Virulence Factors: Effects of Passing Aeromonad Isolates Through Fish Maintained at Different Water Temperatures
IAAAM 1996
Larisa A. Ford1; Cynthia R. Baker2; Natalia V. Guseva3; Peter W. Taylor4
1National Biological Service, National Fish Health Research Laboratory, Kearneysville, WV (Present Address), Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID; 2National Biological Service, National Fish Health Research Laboratory, Kearneysville, WV; 3All Russian Research Institute of Pond Fisheries, Moscow Region, Dmitrov Province, Rybnoe, Russia; 4National Biological Service, Southeastern Fish Cultural Laboratory, Marion, AL

Several virulence factors have been reported for motile aeromonads and shown to play a role in pathogenicity. Passage through a host in its corresponding ambient temperature may affect the type and/or amount of virulence factor produced by a particular strain of motile aeromonad. In this study, passage of motile aeromonads through brook trout maintained at 11°C and 22°C did alter the virulence factor profile of some strains. DNase activity of the isolates increased after passage through fish maintained at 11°C, but was not significantly altered after passage through fish maintained at 22°C. Detection of S-layer protein production was reduced by passing isolates through fish. Hemolysin and protease production was altered in isolates after passage through brook trout, but clear trends were not apparent.

Speaker Information
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Larisa A. Ford, PhD
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Resources
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID, USA

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