Technique of Spine Removal in the Southern Stingray
IAAAM 1996
Christian Keller, DVM; Darlene Walder
Tennessee Aquarium, Chattanooga, TN

The Tennessee Aquarium maintains a mixed marine animal exhibit with approximately seven (7) southern stingrays, (Dasyatis Americana). Feeding the animals in the exhibit is the responsibility of the volunteer divers. Concern for the divers' welfare led us to remove the venomous spines on a number of the stingrays. After anesthetizing the animals with MS-222, the spines were excised with an Elman surgical cautery unit. Closure of the wound was accomplished using Nexaband and 3/0 Vicryl absorbable suture. Little hemorrhage and no complications occurred during the procedure. Postprocedural recovery was done in a holding tank off exhibit for approximately five (5) days. Long term success of the procedure is mixed as some animals are exhibiting barbule regrowth.

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Christian Keller, DVM

Darlene M. Walder

MAIN : Session III : Spine Removal
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