Report of a Red Tide Bloom in a Closed System
IAAAM 1985
Beverly A. Goven Dixon1, PhD; Nancy Wohlschlag2; Connie Arnold2, PhD
1California State College, Bakersfield, CA; 2University of Texas, Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas, TX

During fish immunization studies, a massive fish kill occurred in two raceway systems holding juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellata. Nearly four thousand juveniles were killed in a 48-hour period. Moribund fish exhibited signs of caudal and pectoral fin paralysis prior to death due to respiratory failure. Water quality measurements were within normal limits; however, a dinoflagellate tentatively identified as Gymnodinium breve was present in high numbers. This organism, frequently associated with red tide bloams, elaborates a rapidly fatal neurotoxin.

Environmental circumstances contributing to the bloom and the implications for mariculture will be discussed.

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Beverly A. Goven Dixon, PhD