Cataract Surgery in Pinnipeds
IAAAM 1983
Michael K. Mac Donald, MD
California Marine Mammal Center, Fort Cronkhite, CA

At the California Marine Mammal Center, we have seen dense, bilateral cataracts in a six month old northern elephant seal, (Mirounga angustirostris), and in two yearling California sea lions, (Zalophus californianus). Unilateral cataracts have been seen in all age groups and in all species treated at CMMC.

We operate only on animals with bilateral cataracts, or on one-eyed animals.  Pupillary reflexes are carefully evaluated as is the type and extent of the cataract.

To date we have performed seven operations on four eyes in three animals.

Difficulties encountered include dealing with the retractor reflex which draws the eye deep into the orbit, maintaining good dilation of the pupil, and maintaining the depth of the anterior chamber.

Diagnosis, evaluation for surgery, surgical techniques, and results to date, will be discussed.

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Michael K. Mac Donald, MD

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