"Friday", The Hawaiian Monk Seal - A Case History
IAAAM 1979
J.F. Allen; D.B. Mackay; L.R. Taylor; T.R. Sawa; W.G. Gilmartin; G.C. Whittow
Waikiki Aquarium, Honolulu, Hawaii


A Hawaiian Monk seal, Monachus schauinslandi, was kept in captivity at the Waikiki Aquarium from December 13, 1963, till his death on December 13, 1978. Results of various clinical tests are presented and post mortem findings, including organ weights and measurements, are discussed. While diagnoses of subacute nephritis and hepatitis were made, general senescence is suspected.


The Hawaiian Monk seal is indigenous to Hawaii. Mortality is due to sharks and disease.

"Friday's" blood chemistry was normal except for elevated Na+ and Cl- levels.

  • Gross pathology - heart rounded and flabby
    • midbrain microabscess
  • Histopathology - subacute nephritis and hepatitis

The average vitamin E level in the Monk seal is 14.9 ug/mL (11.7-21 ug/mL). "Friday" had a vitamin E level of 7.5 ug/mL.

Speaker Information
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J. F. Allen, BA, VMD

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