Candidiasis in Bottlenose Dolphins
IAAAM 1977
Shaheen Nakeeb, DVM, PhD; Stanislaw Targowski, DVM
New York State University, Buffalo, NY


The course of disease, treatment, microbiology and pathology of cutaneous candidiasis in three dolphins will be discussed. Esophagogastric ulcerations developed in two of the three dolphins.


Candidiasis is a disease which develops over a 6-7 month period in dolphins.

Lesions Found: Antemortem

Erosions around the mouth, blowhole, genitalia and on the palate were found. These lesions were cultured and ten species of bacteria grew. Antibiotic sensitivity was done and Chloramycin chosen for treatment. MacConkey's medium was used to culture specifically for Candida. Eventually the dolphin died.

Postmortem - Esophageal ulcers, erosions of the gastric mucosa and button ulcers in the stomach were noted.

Cause of gastric ulcers: The pathogenesis of gastric ulcers in dolphins is unknown. Fish with high histidine levels (precursor of histamine) fed to dolphins can cause gastric ulcers as well as can Candida.


  • Paint topically with Gentian violet. Unfortunately this washes off easily.

  • Cephalomycin ointment on scraped lesions, leaving dolphins out of water for half an hour. This did not work.

  • Culture stool to see if Candida is in the gastric ulcers. Then give 0.5 million units Nystatin orally for 45 days

  • CaC03 to counteract stomach hyperacidity.

  • Immunopotentiating agent - Levamisole at 2.5 cc/100 lbs body weight intramuscularly. Give two injections, two weeks apart. This seemed to help. Yeasts tend to take advantage of immunosuppressed animals.

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Shaheen Nakeeb, DVM, PhD

Stanislaw Targowski, DVM

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