Effects of High Nitrate on the Growth and Survival of Juvenile and Larval Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris
IAAAM 1981
Thomas A. Frakes; Frank Hoff, Jr.
Instant Ocean Hatcheries, Inc., Dade City, FL

Growth and survival of juvenile and larval Amphiprion ocellaris were compared at low and high nitrate levels. Two 800L pumped aquaria systems with Instant OceanR media were used. NaN03 was added to raise one of the two systems from 10mg N03-N to 100mg N03-N/L. Three batches of juveniles (72 and 40 days) and two tanks of new-hatched larvae were tested. Juvenile survivals were 100% after 84 days, but growth was reduced in high nitrate system. Larval survivals in low and high nitrate systems at 21 days were 37% and 34%, but metamorphosis was delayed with 97% compared to 40% respectfully. Survivals to 72 days were 37% and 12%. The high nitrate did not affect juvenile survival, but reduced growth. Larval metamorphosis rate and subsequent survival were reduced in high nitrate media.

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Frank Hoff, Jr.

Thomas A. Frakes

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