Do We Need Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation?
IAAAM 1979
Dr. W.H. Dudok van Heel
Dolphinarium, Harderwijk, Netherlands


After more than ten years of consistent vitamin/mineral supplementation, supplementation was suspended in three dolphinaria in March 1978. The hematological results in particular in November '78 and February '79 are the same or better than before, the Killer Whale included. The recovery of a beached Harbour Porpoise is remarkable. The only supplementation is Vitamin B1 and Calcium. It is argued that the addition of this mineral is essential. The animals are fed five different species of fish including squid.


Dr. Dudok van Heel was ill and could not attend.

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Dr. W. H. Dudok van Heel
Dolfinarium Harderwijk

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