Open Panel Discussion
IAAAM 1979
Dr. Fred P. Meyer, Director
United States Department of the , National Fishery Research Laboratory, La Crosse, WI

Open Panel Discussion:

Research has been published in the Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association and in Wild Animal Medicine by Drs. Sweeney, Geraci, Ridgway and Smith. 

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Fred P. Meyer, Director


The legal status of non-DVM fish health specialists needs to be resolved. DVM's legally may do fish health work but won't, due to lack of knowledge and pay. Fish health specialists cannot do fish health work because it is not legal for them to do so. Legal waivers for fish health specialists to practice and aid fish farmers are needed.

Aquatic animal groups: IAAAM

  • Fish Health Group
  • World Mariculture Association
  • Wildlife Diseases Association
Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Fred P. Meyer
LaCrosse National Fishery Research Laboratory

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