Newsletter #6, 1969
IAAAM 1969
International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM)

Up to September 1, 1969 I received thirty letters of inquiry about the IAAAM. To each of these requests for information I have sent an application form and a copy of Article II Sections 1 & 2 and Article III Sections 1 & 2 from the constitution. Some of these and other application forms are returning. I will have more to say about action on them in the next newsletter.

Dr. Geraci informed me that his field of research will remain in marine mammal physiology and medicine. (Effective after October 15, 1969)

Dr. Jesse R. White has made the suggestion that we print an 8X10 frame-able membership plaque. The cost of this plaque to be included with the initial membership fee.

I feel (and I have discussed this with the President) that an initial membership fee should be $10.00 and then $5.00 per year after that until further notice. This will give us enough money to cover the cost of the plaque and other incidental expenses. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

I have received no communications for Dr. D.W. Kenney's "What is Your Diagnosis?” My guess is that the problem is one of glucose metabolism. There is a rising blood sugar, however not too excessive, after a hypoglycemia (?). I know nothing of the sedimentation rate of dolphins. There is also a question in my mind about the alkaline phosphatase. What are your normal values?

Since BSP only measures the ability of the liver to eliminate a dye, I would request some serum enzymes to detect the presence of liver necrosis. A glucose tolerance could be attempted. What about tryptic activity in the feces?

Please let me hear from you about Dr. Kenney's "What is Your Diagnosis?".

Newsletter #5 consisted of a questionnaire. I mailed out eighteen of them and received twelve replies. If money is available for travel we will meet in Hawaii, if not we will meet in Florida. More about this in the next letter.

This Newsletter is an informal publication of the IAAAM distributed exclusively for the information of its members and is not to be reproduced, cited, referenced or in any way referred to as part of the scientific literature.

In our association we have nineteen charter members. I have received some form of communication from all but three who have done absolutely nothing. Unless we get some activity, apathy will ruin us. Please think about this and exercise your right as a charter member.

I would also like to have each of you submit your idea of an appropriate letterhead and emblem for our association. We will be needing stationery very soon.

W. Medway

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Robert L. Jenkins

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