Highly Abundant Core Taxa in the Blow Within and Across Captive Bottlenose Dolphins Provide Evidence for a Temporally Stable Airway Microbiota
IAAAM 2023
Catharina Vendl1*+; Tiffanie Nelson2; Belinda Ferrari3; Torsten Thomas4; Tracey Rogers1
1Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 2Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics, Gold Coast Campus, Griffith University, Southport, QLD, Australia; 3School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 4Centre for Marine Science and Innovation, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia


The analysis of blow microbiota has been proposed as a biomarker for respiratory health analysis in cetaceans.1-4 Yet, we lack crucial knowledge on the long-term stability of the blow microbiota and its potential changes during disease. Research in humans and mice have provided evidence that respiratory disease is accompanied by a shift in microbial communities of the airways.5-7 We investigate here the stability of the community composition of the blow microbiota for 13 captive bottlenose dolphins over eight months including both sick and healthy individuals. We used barcoded tag sequencing of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Four of the dolphins experienced distinct medical conditions and received systemic antimicrobial treatment during the study.

We showed that each dolphin harbored a unique community of zero-radius operational taxonomic units (zOTUs) that was present throughout the entire sampling period (‘intra-core’). Although for most dolphins there was significant variation over time, overall, the intra-core accounted for an average of 73% of relative abundance of the blow microbiota. In addition, the dolphins shared between 8 and 66 zOTUs on any of the sampling occasions (‘inter-core’), accounting for a relative abundance between 17 and 41% of any dolphin’s airway microbiota. The majority of the intra-core and all of the inter-core zOTUs in this study are commonly found in captive and free ranging dolphins and have previously been reported from several different body sites. While we did not find a clear effect of microbial treatment on blow microbiota, age and sex of the dolphins did have such an effect.

The airways of dolphins were colonized by an individual intra-core ‘signature’ that varied in abundance relative to more temporary bacteria. We speculate that the intra-core bacteria interact with the immune response of the respiratory tract and support its function. This study provides the first evidence of individual-specific airway microbiota in cetaceans that is stable over eight months.


We thank the staff veterinarian Dr. David Blyde and the entire dolphin trainer team at Sea World Marine Park Gold Coast Australia for dolphin blow and pool water collection. We also thank all lab members of the Ferrari lab for their support and advice.

*Presenting author
+Student presenter

Literature Cited

1.  Bik EM, Costello EK, Switzer AD, Callahan BJ, Holmes SP, Wells RS. Marine mammals harbor unique microbiotas shaped by and yet distinct from the sea. Nat Commun. 2016;7:1.

2.  Cardona C, Lax S, Larsen P, Stephens B, Hampton-Marcell J, Edwardson CF. Environmental sources of bacteria differentially influence host-associated microbial dynamics. MSystems. 2018;3:e00052-18.

3.  Johnson WR, Torralba M, Fair PA, Bossart GD, Nelson KE, Morris PJ. Novel diversity of bacterial communities associated with bottlenose dolphin upper respiratory tracts. Environ Microbiol Rep. 2009;1:555–562.

4.  Lima N, Rogers T, Acevedo-Whitehouse K, Brown MV. Temporal stability and species specificity in bacteria associated with the bottlenose dolphins respiratory system. Environ Microbiol Rep. 2012;4:89–96.

5.  Fagundes CT, Amaral FA, Vieira AT, Soares AC, Pinho V, Nicoli JR. Transient TLR activation restores inflammatory response and ability to control pulmonary bacterial infection in germfree mice. J Immunol. 2012;188:1411–1420.

6.  de Steenhuijsen Piters WA, Sanders EA, Bogaert D. The role of the local microbial ecosystem in respiratory health and disease. Philos Trans R Soc B Biol Sci. 2015;370:20140294.

7.  Esposito S, Principi N. Impact of nasopharyngeal microbiota on the development of respiratory tract diseases. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2018;37:1–7.


Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Catharina Vendl
Evolution and Ecology Research Centre
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW, Australia

MAIN : Session 8: Diagnostics : Highly Abundant Core Taxa in Dolphin Blow
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