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Front Matter
Clinical Pathology
Immunology & Toxicology
Infectious Disease
Nutrition & Management
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Electrocardiogram Protocol
Green Sea Turtles
Mammary Gland
Progesterone Concentration
Exophiala Infection
Novel Circular Viruses
Electrolyte Balancing in Murres
Young Thymus of Manatee
Genital Herpesvirus
Hematology of Freshwater Rays
Shark Hematology & Vitamins
Porpoise Ear Diagnostics
Gavage Feeding Alternative
MRI of Reef Shark
Stranded Animals
Moray Eel Biochemistry
Reducing Bumblefoot Lesions
Successful Rehabilitation
Effects of L-Lysine
Stranded Harbor Seals
Acute Renal Insufficiency
Bacterial Ulcerative Disease
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Antemortem Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a California Sea Lion (
Zalophus californianus
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Nathalie Mauroo
Development of a Standard Electrocardiogram Protocol in Immobilized California Sea Lions (
Zalophus californianus
Electrocardiogram Protocol
Catherine Gunther-Murphy
Hematologic Findings in Acute Cold Stun Green Sea Turtles (
Chelonia mydas
) in Florida
Green Sea Turtles
Danielle O'Neil
Megaesophagus in Captive and Rehabilitating Harbor Seals (
Phoca vitulina
Elizabeth Moundalexis
Morphological Description of the Mammary Gland and Teat in Two Historically Related Species
Trichechus manatus
Elephas maximus
Mammary Gland
Jennifer L. McGee
Progesterone Concentration and Ultrasonography During Pregnancy in the Amazon River Dolphin (Boto),
Inia geoffrensis
Progesterone Concentration
Miriam C. Baur
Exophiala pisciphila
Infection in Cultured California Halibut (
Paralichthys californicus
Exophiala Infection
Martha Keller
Characterization of Novel Circular Viruses from Bottlenose Dolphin (
Tursiops truncatus
Novel Circular Viruses
Refugio Robles-Sikisaka
Effects of Fluid Therapy and Freshwater Housing on Electrolyte Balancing in Common Murres (
Uria aalge
Electrolyte Balancing in Murres
Greg Frankfurter
Fine Structure of the Young Thymus of the Florida Manatee (
Trichechus manatus latirostris
Young Thymus of Manatee
Kimberly Goldbach
Genital Herpesvirus in Bottlenose Dolphins
Genital Herpesvirus
Cornelis E. van Elk
Hematology of Amazon Freshwater Rays (
spp.): A Comparison of Newly Acquired and Long-Term Captive Animals
Hematology of Freshwater Rays
Abbey K. Grobe
Hematology, Vitamin, and Nutrient Trace Mineral Levels in Free-Ranging Atlantic Sharpnose (
Rhizoprionodon terraenovae
) and Bonnethead (
Sphyrna tiburo
) Sharks off the Coast of Georgia and Florida
Shark Hematology & Vitamins
Katherine Haman
Immunohistochemical and Special Staining Techniques for the Investigation of Inflammatory and Degenerative Changes in the Ear of the Harbor Porpoise (
Phocoena phocoena
Porpoise Ear Diagnostics
Henrike Seibel
Investigating an Alternative to Gavage Feeding for Harbour Seal Pups (
Phoca vitulina
Gavage Feeding Alternative
Amelia M. MacRae
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of a White Tipped Reef Shark (
Triaenodon obesus)
at the Florida Aquarium
MRI of Reef Shark
Genevieve Dumonceaux
Pathological Findings of Stranded Animals of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Stranded Animals
Ilka Hasselmeier
Plasma Biochemistry Reference Values of Recently Wild-Caught Purple Mouth Moray Eels (
Gymnothorax vicinus
Moray Eel Biochemistry
Claire Erlacher
Reducing Bumblefoot Lesions in a Group of Captive Magellanic Penguins (
Spheniscus magellanicus
) Employing Environmental Enrichment
Reducing Bumblefoot Lesions
Laura Reisfeld
Successful Rehabilitation of a Stranded Harbour Porpoise Calf (
Phocoena phocoena
Successful Rehabilitation
Lindsaye Akhurst
The Effects of L-Lysine on Serum Arginine Levels, Phocine Herpesvirus-1 Serology, and General Health of Pacific Harbor Seals (
Phoca vitulina
) in Rehabilitation
Effects of L-Lysine
Sophie Guarasci
Toxicology, Microbiology, and Serology of Stranded Harbor Seals (
Phoca vitulina
) in Cook Inlet, Alaska
Stranded Harbor Seals
Caroline E.C. Goertz
Treatment of Acute Renal Insufficiency in an Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin (
Tursiops truncatus
) with Peritoneal Dialysis
Acute Renal Insufficiency
Todd L. Schmitt
Treatment of Bat Sea Stars (
Patiria miniata
) and Ochre Sea Stars (
Pisaster ochraceus
) with Severe Bacterial Ulcerative Disease
Bacterial Ulcerative Disease
Genevieve Dumonceaux
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