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Aquatic Animal Health
Clinical Case Reports I
Clinical Case Reports II
Conservation Issues
Fish, Fish, And More Fish
Immunology, Epidemiology
Infectious Diseases
Pharmacology, Reproduction
Control Algal Growth
Angiogenic Growth Factor
Cetacean Rehabilitation
Haptoglobin in Dolphins
Mycobacterium in Summer Flounder
Fishery Resources
Hormone Levels
Genetic Conservation
Flow Cytometry
Interdisciplinary Training
Maintenance of Manatees
Metal Toxicity
Microcystin Toxicity
Novel Gamma Herpesvirus
Natural Killer Cell Activity
Pathological Examinations
Manatee Papilloma Virus
Serum Cortisol
Gulf Sturgeon as Sentinels
Wild Fish Health Survey
Work-Related Injury
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Alternative Treatment to Control Algal Growth and Reduce Operational Expenses in Marine Mammal Pool Water Systems
Control Algal Growth
Skip J.F. Young
Angiogenic Growth Factor Therapy Using Recombinant Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (Regranex) for Lateral Line Disease in Marine Fish
Angiogenic Growth Factor
Leslie E. Boerner
Cetacean Rehabilitation in Taiwan
Cetacean Rehabilitation
Lien-Siang Chou, Wei-Cheng Yang
Characterization of Haptoglobin from the Serum of Captive Bottlenose Dolphins (
Tursiops truncatus
) and its Application to the Monitoring of Acute Phase Response
Haptoglobin in Dolphins
Masahiko Kasamatsu
Clinical Presentations of
Sp. in Summer Flounder,
Paralichthys dentatus
, Cultured in Intensive Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Mycobacterium in Summer Flounder
Kathleen P. Hughes, Stephen A. Smith, DVM, PhD
Co-Management of Fishery Resources from a Fish Health Perspective: Cogent Plans or Science Fiction?
Fishery Resources
Keith A. Bigelow, Larisa A. Ford, PhD
Comparison of Hormone Levels from Permanently Captive and Rehabilitated Harbor Seals (
Phoca vitulina
Hormone Levels
Shannon Atkinson, Danielle R. O'Neil
Cryogenics as a Tool for Genetic Conservation of Aquatic Species
Genetic Conservation
Robert S. Bakal, William R. Wayman
Flow Cytometry as a Tool to Quantify Oyster Phagocytosis, Respiratory Burst and Apoptosis
Flow Cytometry
Michael J. Goedken, DVM , Sylvain De Guise, DMV, MSc, PhD
Interdisciplinary Training in Aquatic Animal Health at the University of Florida
Interdisciplinary Training
Ruth Francis-Floyd, DVM, MS, DACZM
Maintenance of Rehabilitating Manatees Using a Low-Cost Feed Pellet as a Nutrient Supplement
Maintenance of Manatees
Paul T. Cardeilhac, DVM, PhD
Metal Toxicity in Cultured Steller Sea Lion Fibroblasts
Metal Toxicity
Sandra S. Wise
Microcystin Toxicity Concurrent with Steatitis in Great Blue Herons
(Ardea herodias)
in Maryland in 2001
Microcystin Toxicity
Cindy P. Driscoll, DVM
Molecular Identification of a Novel Gamma Herpesvirus in Hawaiian Monk Seals (
Monachus schauinslandi
Novel Gamma Herpesvirus
Tracey Goldstein
Mycobacteriosis in Striped Bass (
Morone saxatilis
) from Chesapeake Bay Tributaries
Christopher A. Ottinger
Natural Killer Cell Activity in the Eastern Oyster and American Lobster
Natural Killer Cell Activity
Sylvain De Guise, DMV, MSc, PhD , Brenda M. Morsey
Pathological Examinations on the Stranded
Sp. from Taiwan Waters, 1998 to 2002
Pathological Examinations
Jung-To Chiu
Preliminary Molecular Characterization of Manatee Papilloma Virus from Skin Lesions of the Florida Manatee (
Trichechus manatus latirostris
Manatee Papilloma Virus
Rebecca A. Woodruff
Serum Cortisol and Thyroid Hormone Concentrations in Stranded and Healthy Rough-Toothed Dolphins (
Steno bredanensis
Serum Cortisol
Cecile Gaspar, DVM
The Use of Surgically Sterilized Hatchery Reared Gulf Sturgeon as Sentinels
Gulf Sturgeon as Sentinels
Robert S. Bakal
Wild Fish Health Survey--Distribution of Largemouth Bass Virus in the Southeast
Wild Fish Health Survey
Norman P. Heil
Work-Related Injury and Illness Associated With Marine Mammal Contact
Work-Related Injury
Tania D. Hunt
: Posters