: Session 4: Pathology
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Table of Contents
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Session 1: Infectious Diseases
Session 2: Health & Ecosystem Assessments
Session 3: Conservation Medicine in Focus
Session 4: Pathology
Gross & Histopath Findings from Whale Mortalities
Severe Necrotizing Intestinal Amoebiasis in Frogs
Multicentric Granulomatous Steatitis & Polyserositis
Otarine Herpesvirus 1 in California Sea Lion
Pathology of Brucella Infection in Cetaceans
Histopathological Dolphin Placental Alterations
Session 5: Innovations in Marine Mammal Medicine
Session 6: Stranding & Rehabilitation
Session 7: Immunology & Toxicology
Session 8: Pharmacology & Microbiology
Session 9: Imaging
Session 10: Fish Medicine
Session 11: Reptiles, Birds, Invertebrates
Session 12: Elasmobranchs: No Bones About It!
Session 13: Notes from Southern Africa
Session 14: Case Reports
Poster Session
Session 4: Pathology
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Gross and Histopathological Findings from North Atlantic Right Whale (
Eubalaena glacialis
) Mortalities between 2003 and 2018
Gross & Histopath Findings from Whale Mortalities
Sarah M. Sharp
Mortality Associated with Severe Necrotizing Intestinal Amoebiasis in Captive-Housed Cranwell’s Horned Frogs (
Severe Necrotizing Intestinal Amoebiasis in Frogs
Tatiana C. Weisbrod
Multicentric Granulomatous Steatitis and Polyserositis (“Skinny Fat Syndrome”) of Juvenile California Sea Lions (
Zalophus californianus)
Multicentric Granulomatous Steatitis & Polyserositis
Martha A. Delaney
Otarine Herpesvirus 1 in California Sea Lion (
Zalophus californianus
) Urogenital Carcinoma
Otarine Herpesvirus 1 in California Sea Lion
Alissa C. Deming
Pathology of
Brucella ceti
Infection in Cetaceans According to Sequence Type
Pathology of Brucella Infection in Cetaceans
Jeffrey B. Curtiss
Systematic Review of Histopathological Bottlenose Dolphin (
Tursiops truncates
Placental Alterations Correlated to Healthy Neonates and Perinatal Mortality Events
Histopathological Dolphin Placental Alterations
Barbara Biancani
: Session 4: Pathology