Sam H. Ridgway, DVM, PhD
Sound is important for all marine mammals for finding food, for
communication, for navigation, and in some cases avoidance of predators. Sounds that animals
hear (i.e., supra-threshold sounds) may influence their behavior in various ways. For example a
mammal might approach to investigate or swim away to avoid the sound. Animals might emit a sonic
response or fall silent. Intense anthropogenic sounds might mask echolocation, communication, or
other auditory cues important to the individual and its group. Harmful effects of the most
intense sound exposure could include deafness. Deafness can occur when the level of exposure
exceeds the dynamic range of the ear for a sufficient period to cause irreversible damage to
hair cells. Dynamic range of the ear may vary depending on hearing threshold.
The ear can be divided into three parts, inner, middle, and outer. When
predecessors of mammals came from an aquatic environment onto the land, a primitive inner ear
had already developed. The fluid-filled inner ear originally evolved in the aquatic environment
and presumably is insensitive to hydrostatic pressure changes as the animal changes depth;
however, to be an effective receiver for sound in the aquatic environment, the primitive inner
ear must have been sensitive to the rapid pressure changes of a sound wave in water. For
sensitive hearing in air, mammals had to evolve a middle ear providing sufficient amplification
of sounds received at the outer ear to overcome the enormous impedance mismatch (a ratio of
almost 3600 times) between inner ear fluid, which is more like seawater, and air. Three
suspended bones or ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes) within the middle ear connect the ear
drum to the oval window of the inner ear and convert low-pressure, high-volume velocity
excursions of sound waves in air to high-pressure, low-volume velocity waves in the
perilymphatic fluid of the inner ear. Hair cells along the basilar membrane of the inner ear
convert these high-pressure, low-volume velocity waves into neural signals that the brain
perceives as sound.
Research to date indicates that dolphins, among marine mammals have the most
highly developed auditory sense. Dolphins as with all cetaceans, are conceived, gestated, born,
and live their entire lives in the water. During the long gestation period in the uterus, the
developing dolphin is exposed to abundant sound from the environment because its mother's body
tissues, including the amniotic fluid that bathes the developing fetus, are well matched to
seawater in acoustic impedance. Othello Langworthy, a neurobiologist who made many early
observations on the brains of dolphins and whales, suggested that the cetacean auditory system,
and indeed the great expanse of cetacean neocortex, reached its high state of expansion on the
basis of this early auditory input during brain development. Although there have been no
specific studies on hearing by the cetacean fetus, clearly other mammals have demonstrated a
capability to hear in the womb well before birth. For example, the human fetus responds to
acoustic stimulation. In a group of 31 women, roughly 50 percent of fetuses responded to
acoustic stimulation by acceleration of the heart beat at 24 weeks after conception and 100
percent responded to sound by week 28. Bottlenose dolphins, (Tursiops truncatus) with a
gestation period of roughly 52 weeks compared to 38 weeks in the human, are born at an advanced
stage of development. At birth, the neonate will be 100 to 125 cm in length and may weigh 15 to
20 kg. Most likely, the ear is functional and the dolphin auditory system is receiving acoustic
input for a long period in the womb.