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Aquatic Animal Health
Case Reports
Fish Session I
Fish Session II
Immunology, Patholgy I
Immunology, Patholgy II
Parasitic Disease
Novel Techniques
Manatee Session
Pharmacology, Therapeutics
Bottlenose Dolphin Ovulation
Holistic Approach
Novel Herpesvirus
FDA-Phish Pharm
Cross Reactivity of Antibodies
Stellar Sea Lion IgG & IgM
Cnidarian Cell Culture
Hormone Levels & Leukocyte Ranges
Brucella Antibodies
Hemorrhagic Enteritis
Histological Examination
Monitoring Hormones & Behavior
Physical Therapy’s Role
Plasmid DNA
Reconditioning Emma
Stranding Causes
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A Bottlenose Dolphin (
Tursiops truncatus
) Ovulation Defined by Progesterone, Estrogen, and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Assays, Vaginal Cytology, and Behavioral Assessments
Bottlenose Dolphin Ovulation
Holley Muraco
A Holistic Approach to Cetacean Rehabilitation
Holistic Approach
Keith R. Poster, Tammy Renaud
A Novel Herpesvirus Associated with Necrotizing Keratitis in the California Sea Lion
Novel Herpesvirus
Hendrik H. Nollens
A Searchable Database of Residues and Pharmacokinetics Data in Fish--FDA-Phish Pharm
FDA-Phish Pharm
Renate Reimschuessel, VMD, PhD
An Investigation of the Cross Reactivity of Antibodies Against the Immunoglobulins of Several Mammalian Species with Immunoglobulins of the Harbor Seal,
Phoca vitulina
Cross Reactivity of Antibodies
Jennifer G. Woodford
Analysis of Steller Sea Lion IgG and IgM Levels Across the Geographic Range of the Population
Stellar Sea Lion IgG & IgM
Jennifer A. Colvocoresses, BS
Cnidarian Cell Culture: Development of a Laboratory Tool for Coral Disease Research
Cnidarian Cell Culture
Christine L. Densmore, DVM, PhD , Phil E. McAllister
Comparison of Hormone Levels and Leukocyte Ranges from Wild Population and Rehabilitated Harbor Seal Pups (
Phoca vitulina
Hormone Levels & Leukocyte Ranges
Danielle R. O'Neil, Shannon Atkinson
Detection of
Spp Antibodies in Post Mortem Heart Blood and Antemortem Serum of Killer Whales (
Orcinus orca
) in the Pacific Northwest
Brucella Antibodies
Stephen A. Raverty
Hemorrhagic Enteritis Associated With
Clostridium difficile
Toxin A and Toxin B in Harbor Seals (
Phoca vitulina
) in Washington State and British Columbia
Hemorrhagic Enteritis
Stephen A. Raverty
Histological Examination of Florida Manatee Integument
Histological Examination
Anne-Renee Graham
Monitoring Hormones and Behavior in Female Florida Manatees (
Trichechus manatus latirostris
Monitoring Hormones & Behavior
Iske L.V. Larkin
Physical Therapy's Role in Dolphin Rehabilitation: A Case Report
Physical Therapy’s Role
Julie A. Hobbs
Preliminary Investigation into the Presence of Plasmid DNA in Various Isolates of
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
Plasmid DNA
Audrey Mareska, John C. Jones, BS
Reconditioning "Emma": A Case Report of the Use of Therapy to Help a Dolphin Regain Strength and Endurance
Reconditioning Emma
Julie A. Hobbs, Tammy Renaud
Stranding Causes of Northern Elephant Seals (
Mirounga angustirostris
) and Pacific Harbor Seals (
Phoca vitulina
) Along the Central California Coast: 1992-2001
Stranding Causes
Frances M.D. Gulland, VetMB, PhD, MRCVS , Kathleen M. Colegrove
: Posters