: Session VI
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Poster Presentations
Session I
Session II
Session III
Session IV
Session V
Session VI
Cataract Removal
Mako Shark
Testosterone Levels
Streptococcal Infections
Taurine Levels in Cetaceans
Pododermatitis in an African Rockhopper Penguin
Kinetics in Harbor Seals
Serum Bile Acids
Jejunal Herniation and Volvulus
Captive Breeding Group
Session VI
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Cataract Removal in a Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Cataract Removal
M. Andrew Stamper, DVM
Eels from the Heart of a Mako Shark
Mako Shark
G. W. Benz
Effects of Leuprolide Acetate in Depot Suspension on Testosterone Levels, Testicular Size and Semen Production in Male Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins (
Tursiops truncates
Testosterone Levels
Michael B. Briggs, DVM, MS
Streptococcal Infections Ornamental: A Review
Streptococcal Infections
Roy P.E. Yanong, BA, VMD
Taurine Levels in Cetaceans: A Preliminary Investigation
Taurine Levels in Cetaceans
Michael T. Walsh, DVM
Use of Radiation Therapy and Intralesional Cisplatin in the Medical and Surgical Management of Severe Pododermatitis in an African Rockhopper Penguin (
Eudyptes crestatus
Pododermatitis in an African Rockhopper Penguin
Howard Krum, VMD, MS
Vitamin E Kinetics in Harbor Seals (
Phoca vitulina
Kinetics in Harbor Seals
Kelly E. Helmick, DVM, MS
Fasting and Post-Prandial Serum Bile Acids in the Pacific White-Sided Dolphin (
Lagenorhyncus Obliquidens
Serum Bile Acids
Jeffrey R. Boehm, DVM
Jejunal Herniation and Volvulus in an Adult Bottlenose Dolphin (
Tursiops truncatus
Jejunal Herniation and Volvulus
Michael B. Briggs, DVM, MS
Paternity Assessments for a Captive Breeding Group of Beluga Whales
Captive Breeding Group
Paul P. Calle, VMD, DACZM
: Session VI