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Genotoxic Effects
Problem with Captive Whales
Mucous Hyperplasia
Acidity Status
Aerial/Aquatic Accommodation
Arterial Circulation
Arterial Circulation
Blood Collection
Blood Studies
Calcium Oxalate Crystal Formation
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Mouthbrooding Cichlid
Monooxygenase Systems
Alligator Semen
Tissue Specimens
Excretory Systems of Mollusks
Comparison of Antibodies
Coronary Arteries
Defense Mechanisms
Effects of High Nitrate
Polymeric Resins
Teaching Fish Diseases
Effects of Pollutants
Ultraviolet Light Control
Cellular Cooperation
Meningitis in Lemon Sharks
Metal Poisoning
Models of Bone Formation
Monocular Stereopsis
Environmental Carcinogens
Nitrite Transport
Pathobiology of Septic Arthritis
Pathogen Reduction
Pathology of Spirorchidiasis
Development of Cervical Spine
Radiographic Skeletal Aging
Raising Baby Walruses
Skeletal Development
Stomach Structure
Subcutaneous Emphysema
Fracture of Radius
Systemic Mycotic Infection
Effect of Copper
Ozone-Like Oxidant
Reproductive System
Examining a Blue Whale
Northern Fur Seal Eye
Parasite Load
Recurring Hyphema
Respiratory Failure
Viral Hepatitis
Water Quality Management
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In Vitro
Genotoxic Effects of Selected Compounds on Fish Cells
Genotoxic Effects
Richard M. Kocan
A New Kind of Problem with Captive Whales
Problem with Captive Whales
Stefani Hewlett
Acid Stress Induced Mucous Hyperplasia in Skin of Brown Bullheads: A Morphometric Study
Mucous Hyperplasia
David E. Hinton
Acidity Status of Lakes in the Adirondack Region of New York
Acidity Status
Martin Pfeiffer, Patrick J. Festa
Aerial/Aquatic Accommodation in the Cetacea
Aerial/Aquatic Accommodation
Alden Mead
Anisakiasis - A Human Zoonotic Problem from Marine Mammal Parasites
Larry Jensen, Murray D. Dailey, PhD
Aquavet - A Five-Year Perspective
C. G. Rickard, Donald A. Abt
Arterial Circulation of the Head in Pinnipeds
Arterial Circulation
Alden Mead
Arterial Circulation of the Head in Some Smaller Odontoceti
Arterial Circulation
Alden Mead
Blood Collection, Hematology and Blood Chemistry in the Sea Otter
Blood Collection
L. Thomas Pulley, Thomas D. Williams, DVM
Blood Studies on the West Indian Manatee
Blood Studies
William Medway, DVM, PhD
Calcium Oxalate Crystal Formation in Captive Marine Fishes and Its Possible Correlation to Blindness
Calcium Oxalate Crystal Formation
Vicki S. Blazer, PhD
Candidiasis, A Four Species Perspective
J. Lawrence Dunn, VMD
Carcinoma in a Sub-adult Male California Sea Lion (
Zalophus californianus
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Leslie A. Dierauf, VMD , Linda J. Lowenstine
Cataract in the Mouth-brooding Cichlid,
Sarotherodon (Tilapia) mossambicus
Mouthbrooding Cichlid
Edward J. Noga, DVM , Paul T. Cardeilhac, DVM, PhD
Characteristics of Monooxygenase Systems in the Marine Fish Scup and Some Environmental Implications
Monooxygenase Systems
John J. Stegeman
Collection and Maintenance of Alligator Semen
Alligator Semen
Paul T. Cardeilhac, DVM, PhD , Rolf E. Larsen
Collection of Tissue Specimens from Eskimo Harvested Bowhead Whales (
Balaena mysticetus
Tissue Specimens
Thomas F. Albert
Comparative Histophysiology of the Excretory Systems of Marine Molluscs
Excretory Systems of Mollusks
Paul P. Yevich
Comparison of Antibodies in Marine Fish from Clean and Polluted Waters of the New York Bight
Comparison of Antibodies
Richard A. Robohm
Coronary Arteries of a Fin Whale
Coronary Arteries
Alden Mead, Mario Addabbo
Defense Mechanisms of Marine Molluscs Against Environmental Pollutants
Defense Mechanisms
Paul P. Yevich
Effects of High Nitrate on the Growth and Survival of Juvenile and Larval Clownfish
Amphiprion ocellaris
Effects of High Nitrate
Frank Hoff, Jr., Thomas A. Frakes
Effects of Two Polymeric Resins on Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in Marine Mammal Water
Polymeric Resins
Gary Adams, Stephen Spotte
Experiences in Teaching Fish Diseases to Veterinary Students
Teaching Fish Diseases
John B. Gratzek, DVM, PhD
Histopathologic Effects of Pollutants on Marine Bivalves
Effects of Pollutants
Carolyn A. Barszcz
Immunocompetence of Marine Pinnipeds
Neyland A. Vedros, PhD
Light Control of
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
in a Closed Fish Culture Recirculation System
Ultraviolet Light Control
Jeannine P. Gilbert
Mechanisms of Cellular Cooperation Involved in the Specific Immune Response
Cellular Cooperation
Beverly A. Goven Dixon, PhD
Meningitis in Captive Lemon Sharks (
Negaprion brevirostis
Meningitis in Lemon Sharks
Anita George
Metal Poisoning of Large Red Drum
Metal Poisoning
Paul T. Cardeilhac, DVM, PhD
Models of Bone Formation: Lessons From the Sea
Models of Bone Formation
John A. Ogden
Monocular Stereopsis in Cetacea
Monocular Stereopsis
Alden Mead, Robert Swerling
Myo-fibrogranuloma in North Dakota Walleye
C. E. Smith, H. L. Holloway Jr
Neoplastic Diseases in Fish and Amphibians Possibly Caused by Environmental Carcinogens
Environmental Carcinogens
John C. Harshbarger
Nitrite Transport Across the Gill Epithelia of Rainbow Trout: The Role of Chloride Cells
Nitrite Transport
S. R. Krous
Pathobiology of Septic Arthritis and Contiguous Osteomyelitis in a Leatherback Turtle (
Dermochelys coriacea
Pathobiology of Septic Arthritis
John A. Ogden
Pathogen Reduction in Closed Aquaculture Systems: Fact or Artifact?
Pathogen Reduction
Gary Adams, Stephen Spotte
Pathology of Spirorchidiasis (blood flukes) in Loggerhead Sea Turtles (
Caretta caretta
Pathology of Spirorchidiasis
D. R. Brooks, Richard E. Wolke, DVM, PhD
Prenatal and Postnatal Development of the Cervical Spine in
Globiocephala macrorhynchus
Development of Cervical Spine
John A. Ogden
Radiographic Skeletal Aging of Small Cetaceans
Radiographic Skeletal Aging
Gerald J. Conlogue, John A. Ogden
Raising Baby Walruses and Sea Lions
Raising Baby Walruses
W.H. Dudok van Heel
Roentgenographic Indicators of Skeletal Development of the Harbor Seal, (
Phoca vitulina
), Flipper
Skeletal Development
Gerald J. Conlogue
Stomach Structure of the Bowhead Whale
Stomach Structure
Raymond J. Tarpley, DVM, PhD
Subcutaneous Emphysema in a Beluga Whale
Subcutaneous Emphysema
Louise Brouwer
Surgical Treatment of a Compound, Comminuted Fracture of the Radius in a Beached California Sea Lion
Fracture of Radius
Leslie A. Dierauf, VMD , Michael K. Mac Donald, MD
Systemic Mycotic Infection in
Orcinus orca
Systemic Mycotic Infection
Tag A. Gornall, DVM
The Cytopathological Effect of Copper on the Olfactory Organs of Larval Fish
Effect of Copper
Joel E. Bodammer
The Effects of a New Ozone-like Oxidant, Photo-zone, in a Closed Aquatic System
Ozone-Like Oxidant
Amy L. Lohr, John B. Gratzek, DVM, PhD
The Functional Morphology of the Reproductive System and Prospective Artificial Insemination of the American Alligator (
Alligator mississippiensis
Reproductive System
Robert DeSena
The Logistics of Examining a Blue Whale
Examining a Blue Whale
R. Severtson, Tag A. Gornall, DVM
The Northern Fur Seal Eye
Northern Fur Seal Eye
Alden Mead, Stephen Spotte
The Relationship Between Parasite Load and the Age of Dall's Porpoise (
Phocoenoides dalli dalli
Parasite Load
Gerald J. Conlogue
Treatment of Recurring Hyphema in a Captive Sea Otter
Recurring Hyphema
William B. Nelson
Treatment of Respiratory Failure Secondary to Parafilaroides decorus in a Beached California Sea Lion
Respiratory Failure
Leslie A. Dierauf, VMD , Michael K. Mac Donald, MD
Viral Hepatitis (Adenovirus) in a California Sea Lion: A Case Study
Viral Hepatitis
Leslie A. Dierauf, VMD , Linda J. Lowenstine
Water Quality Management at the National Zoo
Water Quality Management
Kehinde Adeduji
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