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Gill/Liver/Kidney Damage
Formula for Phocid Pups
Bacterial Flora
Candidiasis in Dolphins
Capture, Care, Transport
Coccidial Infection
Husbandry of Killer Whale Calf
Common Diseases of Aquarium Fish
Corneal Opacities
Candida Infections
Epidemic of Pseudomonas
Ulcer Disease
Acidity Levels
Bone Marrow Aspirates
Simulated Transport
Northern Fur Seals
Immune Response
Immunization of Fishes
Management of Candidiasis
Necropsy of Fish
Pathobiology of Cetacean Strandings
Pathobiology of Strandings
Pathologic Findings
Piscine Mycobacteriosis
Pregnancy Diagnosis
Recent Advances
Neonate Husbandry
Vitamin C Distribution
Surveillance Summary
Cetacean Stranding
Clinical Enzymes
Unusual Disease Findings
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A Light Microscopic Study of Gill, Liver, and Kidney Damage Caused by Some Therapeutic Agents Used for the Treatment of Fish Disease
Gill/Liver/Kidney Damage
Brad D. Hicks, BSC
An Artificial Formula for Phocid Pups
Formula for Phocid Pups
Louis E. Garibaldi, BS
Bacterial Flora of Fish Diets
Bacterial Flora
T. J. Trust, PhD
Candidiasis in Bottlenose Dolphins
Candidiasis in Dolphins
Shaheen Nakeeb, DVM, PhD , Stanislaw Targowski, DVM
Capture, Care and Transport of Sea Otters
Capture, Care, Transport
Tag A. Gornall, DVM
Coccidial Infection of Aquarium Fish
Coccidial Infection
Louis Leibovitz, VMD
Comments on Husbandry of a Killer Whale Calf
Husbandry of Killer Whale Calf
Jay C. Sweeney, VMD , Rita G. Harper, MD
Common Diseases of Aquarium Fish
Common Diseases of Aquarium Fish
John B. Gratzek, DVM, PhD
Corneal Opacities in Marine Mammals: A Light Induced Phenomenon
Corneal Opacities
Roy W. Bellhorn, DVM
Diagnosis and Treatment of Candida Infections in Marine Mammals
Candida Infections
Andrew G. Greenwood, MA, VetMB, MIBioI, MRCVS
Epidemic of
Pseudomonas pseudomallei
in an Aquatic Park
Epidemic of Pseudomonas
Douglas D. Hammond, DVM
Etiological Study of Ulcer Disease in the Goldfish (
Carassius auratus
Ulcer Disease
Diane G. Elliott, MS
Evaluation of Acidity Levels in the Forestomach of
: Correlation with Serum Gastrin
Acidity Levels
Robert D. Gunnels, DVM
Evaluation of Bone Marrow Aspirates in Marine Mammals
Bone Marrow Aspirates
Jay C. Sweeney, VMD , William Medway, DVM, PhD
Experiments on the Simulated Transport of Fish in Closed Containers
Simulated Transport
Thomas G. Nemetz, BS, DVM, PhD
Husbandry of Northern Fur Seals in Captivity
Northern Fur Seals
Mark C. Keyes, BA, DVM
Immune Response of Channel Catfish Under Different Environmental Conditions
Immune Response
Michael T. Collins, DVM, PhD
Immunization of Fishes: A Review
Immunization of Fishes
Donald L. Dawe, DVM, PhD
Management of Candidiasis in a Closed System Oceanarium
Management of Candidiasis
G. Wayne Jones, DVM
Necropsy of Fish - A Demonstration
Necropsy of Fish
Diane G. Elliott, MS , John B. Gratzek, DVM, PhD
Pathobiology of Cetacean Strandings Along the Atlantic Coast, 1976-1977
Pathobiology of Cetacean Strandings
James Mead, PhD
Pathobiology of Marine Mammal Strandings Along the Pacific Coast, 1976 - 1977
Pathobiology of Strandings
Richard K. Stroud, DVM
Pathologic Findings in a Stranded Herd of Atlantic Whitesided Dolphins (
Lagenorhynchus Acutus
Pathologic Findings
David J. St. Aubin, BS, MS , Joseph R. Geraci, BSc, DVM, PhD
Piscine Mycobacteriosis
Piscine Mycobacteriosis
Richard E. Wolke, DVM, PhD
Problems and Progress in Pregnancy Diagnosis in Beluga Whales
Pregnancy Diagnosis
Emil Dolensek, DVM
Recent Advances in Medical Therapy of Pneumonia, Sepsis, and Liver Disease
Recent Advances
Richard H. Conklin, MD, PhD
Recent Advances in the Husbandry of the Neonate
Neonate Husbandry
Brad Andrews, Tom Otten
Sporotrichosis in a Dolphin
George Migaki, DVM
Studies on Vitamin C Dstribution and Requirements in Marine Mammals
Vitamin C Distribution
Joseph R. Geraci, BSc, DVM, PhD
Surveillance Summary of Bacteria Associated with Aquarium Fish: A Three-Year Study
Surveillance Summary
Emmett B. Shotts, Jr., PhD
The Cetacean Stranding Phenomenon
Cetacean Stranding
Forrest G. Wood, BA, MS
Tissue Distribution and Plasma Levels of Eight Clinical Enzymes in Pinnipeds and Cetaceans
Clinical Enzymes
David J. St. Aubin, BS, MS
Unusual Disease Findings in a Stranded Pilot Whale
Unusual Disease Findings
Joseph R. Geraci, BSc, DVM, PhD , Rudi Mueller, DVM
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